Take Me NOW!

Hi Caroline

There’s this woman in my place of work. I know that she’s single because she doesn’t wear a ring and I know that she’s just split up with her boyfriend.

She has two small children under five, but I’m very attracted to her. I’m single by the way and I know I shouldn’t be dating anyone from work but I really like her a lot, although I think she’s just looking for some fun.

The other day I was stocktaking in the back and she threw herself at me and took her undies off, it was so exciting, she told me to take her there and then.

I did of course because there was nothing else I could’ve done and I couldn’t really say no, she’s gorgeous.

Now I can’t help thinking that she just used me for sex and that’s all she wanted.

She blanks me at work and I’m very confused about her reaction. She was the one who came onto me and I don’t know were I stand with her.



Hi Dan

OK this woman needed something at that moment and you were available, so you took her offer up and now she acting like it never happened.

If she was coming onto you and you took the bait she had her wicked way with you and must have enjoyed it as you did. It made her feel sexy again and she realized afterwards what she did. She was probably embarrassed and thought that by blanking you she was dismissing the event.

Talk to her and ask her out properly. It seems that she needs some company of some sorts and if she likes you then shell accept a proper invitation and go on a proper date with you because you like her and what have you got to lose. You're both free and single and should make the effort to find out if you two could have a longer relationship other than a quickie in the storeroom,

If she wants more from you, she'll let you know and you can take it from there. Don't give up, you don't really know until you ask her properly.

If you are compatible then great if not then put it down to experience!

Good Luck


Agony Angel

This letter is taken from Caroline's world changing DVD where she shares her life coaching skills to help motivate you into achieving your goals and improve your life, along with a selection of letters that she receives each day as an agony aunt....
Buy the DVD This is your passport to survial in love, life and relationships.

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gift-horse in
the mouth!

A bird in the
hand is worth
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