Dragons, did they really exist, Surely the tooth fairy does or where did all that money come from? Many a sailor has seen a Mermaid or how would we know what they look like! And when you hear a bump in the night and no-one's there and other ghostly things that happen. Well, one things for sure once you've given birth to a 7lb bundle of joy, it's still there when you wake-up and won't go away until your old and grey!

Let's put some myths to rest and get rid of some of those old wives tales!

Abominable Snowman - Dragons - Mermaids -

Babies are brought by a Stork (How you get Pregnant)

Abominable Snowman
There are numerous articles, sightings and accounts of the Abominable Snowman/Yeti. This account of the parallels that of Big Foot/Sasquatch. Here are some interesting statistics on the Yeti.

The Abominable Snowman/Yeti, like the Big Foot's of the North American continent, has been in existence for 6,000 years. There are no rivalries amongst the Yeti population. They also divide their family's with other Yeti families, to prevent in-breeding and depletion of their species. However, the similiarity ends there. Unlike Big Foot, the Yeti did not evolve from an animal species, they evolved from the caveman. They can be found in China, the Himalayas and on up into the former Soviet Union to Siberia. They are not related to Big Foot. The total Yeti population is around 227. Their average life span is between 120 and 130 years. They are carnivorous.

They normally have 3 per family group and they live in caves. The number of family groups is unknown, at this time. The male is around 7 feet tall and the female, around 6 feet. The male's weight is between 300 and 350 pounds and the female is around 200 and 250 pounds. They forage for food during the daylight hours. The male does not live with the family, he is a loner. He mates with a female, then leaves, and the female is left to raise the off-springs.

Still, as long as they don't deliver the post, I'm not bothered!



Many people believe in Dragons, and it is said that they were once a common sight everywhere - in the skies, the sea, and on the ground.

But nowadays they have sadly become a rarity with very few sightings, even in the UK where they used to exist in abundance. In fact we are told that they have never, or rarely ever been seen in North America, Australia, the Pacific Isles, or Tropical and Southern Africa.

In the east however, where these creatures have always been revered and honoured, people insist that they can still be seen. And, even in the western world dragon amulets and images are quite easily found, for they are supposed to bring long life, good fortune and marital happiness.
It is also believed that dragons are a symbol of the Earth Goddess, and represent her powers of fertility and wisdom.

The word "drakon" comes from the verb "to see" or "to watch". Hence, dragons have long been regarded as guardians of wisdom.

Because of their loyalty, they were often used to protect magical items such as the "Golden Fleece" and the "Golden Apples of Hesperides", and even the virtue of wives and young maidens. They have also been noted for their keen eyesight, and all are supposed to be wise and sharp-eyed.

Dragons are reptiles, although some species may be warm blooded. They are fiercely territorial, and protective of their mate, and in some cases their young.

Most of them have an internal organ or gland, which allows them to "breath fire", but this is usually only used as a defensive action or warning, and sometimes during mating rituals.

Dragons can reach sexual maturity from 25 years, in some species, to 300 years in others. They lay egg clutches ranging from one to 30, although some water types may give birth to live young. Unusual earthquakes or earth lights have been blamed on dragons eggs hatching.

It is said that dragons, like many other species have been hunted almost to extinction, and it is no wonder they are rarely if ever seen. So much so that many believe they don't exist at all, and should be left in the realms of myth and imagination.

They are sometimes attracted to people, but only those with "open and good hearts", for they are said to have feelings just like us, and their magical powers can allow them to see into the "very soul" of the individual

I Must admit, I've met a few Old Dragons in my time!



Christopher Columbus recorded the following in the log of his famous voyage: "A crewman saw three mermaids, who rose very high from the sea, but they are not so beautiful as they are painted, though to some extent they have a human appearance about the face." It seems fairly obvious from this entry that the sailor actually saw three seals.

Some families in Scotland and Ireland still claim descent from mermaids. The Orkneys have slightly webbed hands because an ancestress of theirs comforted herself from an unhappy marriage by dallying with a selkie, a type of merman who is part seal. The MacCodrums were descended from a selkie woman whose sealskin had been stolen by a mortal man as she danced on the beach. Without her skin she could not return to the sea, so she married the man.

On November 3, 1523, this illustrious physician reported a sighting of a merman the size of a five year-old human. The merman was "like to a man even to the navell, except the ears; in the other parts it resembled a fish."

In 1739, some fishermen near the city of Exeter saw a merman with both webbed feet and a salmon-like tail.

At Port Gordon in Scotland, some fishermen saw a merman with remarkably long arms, a large mouth, and short grey-green curls. He dove out of sight and then returned with a mermaid to look at the fishermen.

In 1931 on the Scottish island of Benbecula, a dead mermaid was found and buried near the shore by the sheriff. "The upper part of the creature was about the size of a wellfed child of three or four years of age, with an abnormally developed breast."

Even today near the Isle of Man, mermaids are frequently sighted. Most of them are redheads.

Why is it that their existence is not accepted? One of the first objections always raised is that we have no physical evidence of their existence, no photographs or bones. Well, if mermaids are part human, they are probably too smart to let us see them long enough to get a camera. They must realize, as all intelligent sea creatures do, that we are potentially dangerous. And the sea is a big place.

The other reason mermaids are disbelieved in today is the fault of the conventional picture of one. They are almost invariably drawn as beautiful women with long hair and green scaly tails! And even the least scientific of us today knows that the laws of biology make it impossible for any creature to be both a mammal and a fish, to have both scales and hair.

All this evidence and yet we still aren’t sure, I’d like to think the exist don’t you!



Babies are brought by a Stork (How you get Pregnant)
So you want to know how you get pregnant?

Your menstrual cycle. each month usually two weeks after your period starts, you ovulate which meas you release an egg. The egg goes through the fallopian tubes to your uterus. If it is not fertilised ie penetrated by sperm, then you will have your next period as normal.

On ejeculation sperm swim up the fallopian tubes from the vagina in search of an egg. Normally sperm need to be release inside the vagina in order to reach the egg, however if sperm are near the opening of the vagina they very rarely can work their way to the egg, these slippery suckers can swim for England so don’t take any chances.

Sperm can live inside you from up to 7 days, so you can get pregnant if you have sex several days prior to ovulation because sperm will be hanging around waiting to do their worst and enter the egg. An egg will survive upto 48 hours after ovulation so it is quite easy for you to get pregnant.

So, you are more likely to become pregnant in the middle two weeks of your cycle.

This is how it should happen, however, a woman can ovulate at any time and things like stress, your lifestyle and what you eat can change everything.

If you really don't want to be pregnant then you should always think about what kind of prevention you should be taking and using. Having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world if you want one and your ready to become a parent, but if your not in a relationship that's secure and long term then doing the right thing to prevent pregnancy makes total sense.

A few questions and answers:

We had sex with our clothes on, could I be pregnant?

No. If you had sex in your jeans, shorts, underwear or bathing suit, there's no way you can be pregnant. Sperm can't swim through clothes and continue travelling into the vagina. Sperm can only swim in liquids like semen and vaginal fluid.

He came outside my vagina, could I be pregnant?

It's very unlikely. If the sperm were deposited very, very near the mouth of the vagina, there is a small chance it could make it inside. But this is very rare. If the sperm weren't close to the vagina (like on your thigh or near your bum) then the answers no. Those little guys just can't swim that far.

But, if his penis was inside your vagina at any time, then you could get pregnant. Guys don't always pull-out (the very unreliable withdrawal method!) fast enough and some sperm could be released inside your vagina. So don't have vaginal intercourse without using a condom or some other reliable form of birth control!

We had sex without using birth control, what do I do now?

If you had unprotected sex or your birth control failed (like the condom broke) you have two choices. You have up to 5 days from the time you had sex to get the morning-after-pill. Or you can wait and see if your period comes on time and get a pregnancy test if it doesn't.

Can I get pregnant during my period?

Yes, but it's very unlikely. Women do not ovulate during their period. However, eggs may live for 2 days and sperm may live for 5-7 days inside a woman's body. They could finally meet up during menstruation, but it's rare. Plus, menstrual blood can transmit HIV, so you should definitely practice safe sex during your period.

When will I know and how can I tell if I'm pregnant?

Wait until you miss a period. Once the egg and sperm hook-up, the fertilized egg still has to travel down to the uterus, which takes about a week. Often, the fertilized egg just keeps going and gets flushed out of your system with your menstrual cycle. It's not until the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus that you are officially pregnant. That's when your body starts making new hormones and responding. A pregnancy test won't be accurate until your period is due because it tests for pregnancy hormones.

Now just because you miss a period doesn't mean you're definitely pregnant. Many things can cause a period to be late, especially stress (like worrying about if your pregnant). Some other symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, tender breasts, high emotions are also signs that your period is coming! Some women don't get any symptoms except a missed period. So the only way to really know if you are pregnant is to get a pregnancy test.

What do I do if I think I could be pregnant?

Wait to see if you get your period and then get a pregnancy test. While you're waiting, try not to stress-out about it, since there's really not much you can do until your period is due. If your period is late or you think it might be late and you're not sure then get a pregnancy test. You can start with a home kit from the chemist, but we really recommend you go to a clinic because people do get the wrong results with home tests.

Once you miss a period, there's no reason to wait to get a pregnancy test. The sooner you know, the sooner you can either relax if you're not pregnant or start thinking about what you want to do next if you are pregnant.

The best advice I can give you on this is:
If you have any doubts go see your doctor or the family planning clinic.

Top - Abominable Snowman - Dragons - Mermaids -
Babies are brought by a Stork (How you get Pregnant)