Follow your dreams, find your Unicorn and start a new life!

Have you ever sat, looking into space with nothing particular on your mind and get to the point where you simply don’t know what you’re doing anymore? You just continue each day as you did the day before. Have you seen the film ‘Groundhog Day’ with Bill Murray? He goes to a small town, unbelievably bored to report on a trivial annual event. Goes to bed that night but 6am the following morning the alarm wakes him up and he finds out it’s the same day again. Each day he meets new people and with the advantage of hindsight manages to save some of them from being hurt and improve relationships. This goes on for months until he gets his life on track and eventually gets everything right.

Well, with many of us it’s pretty much a mirror of the film only it’s a different day with the same old shit. But, does it have to be?

We are all capable of taking control of our lives and changing things for the better and actually make things happen. Like Bill, we all have a chance to get it right.

When you’re a child, parents protect you from the realities of life and coat everything with candyfloss and make everything sweet and fluffy. As you get older, reality hits home and you begin to realize that it’s other people around you that cause the anxieties and can throw your life off course into areas that bring pain or pleasure. So what can you do about it? And what will you do about it?

OK, you’re sat looking into space thinking about hundreds of things all at the same time and not focusing on any one thing. And this is where you have to change. You have to find a way to look at all the issues in your life and deal with them one at a time. Firstly you need to get a pen and paper and list all your concerns. e.g.

Sex etc.

Once you’ve made your list start to write what’s right/wrong with each item and then write what you can do to improve/change/remove in a positive way. Look at the options in each case for tackling a situation in two or three different ways and any consequences that may arise from your choice, then, make your decision.

You have to set yourself goals and stay focused, each time you achieve a goal simply cross it off your list and move onto the next one.

At this point I’m assuming that everything in your life is roughly in order and you can allow yourself to think about what you really want from life. Your house is in order so it’s time to follow your dreams. Or you could skip the first part and jump straight for the sky!

What dreams do you want to become a reality?

Winning the Lottery is not one of them for the majority of us so leave that one on the back burner!

Here are some possibilities:
• New car
• New house • New Job Set up your own business • Luxury holiday • Live abroad • Get married • Get a divorce • Ask someone out, it could even be something like ‘Making the family proud of you’. It’s your dream, what do you want?

Again as with getting your life in order, following your dreams takes a similar pattern. Write down your dream, then, write down what you need to do, who you need to help and where you need to go to start the ball rolling. Once you know what you want, it’s just a process of elimination until step-by-step you are closer to making your dream a reality. Again if you have your list remember to tick each item as you complete them so you know you’re heading in the right direction.

I forgot to mentions something: Making a dream into a reality won’t happen on its own. Only YOU can make it happen, you have the power, you have the motivation. You have to be determined and committed to your cause. You will have to find time, no ‘make time’ to catch your Unicorn. You have to be relentless and stay focused to the end. You can’t afford to let it slide or let others distract you. Keep your goal firmly in sight, get past the defenders then slam the ball in the back of the net (and I don’t even like football!).

It all sounds so simple and maybe it is, you may have to change the way you think and a few attitudes along the way but it will be worth it. Here are today’s results: Staring into space ‘0’ – Unicorn ‘1’. Not more football! Maybe next time I’ll try tennis!

Agony Angel