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I just can't help myself

Hi Caroline I hope you can help me

I am going through a difficult stage of my life at the moment. I have started, not only comfort eating but comfort spending as well. I just can't help myself.

I see various things in shops and magazines and I want them. It's so easy to get out my credit card and spend, spend, spend.

There is a lot more too it than this but, I don't know what it is.

Can you help me?

Thank you


Dear Big Spender!!

Good for you, you only live once (or is that Twice!!!?) You know that James bond film??

Spend, Spend, Spend, that's my motto, ooh and if you're married let your wife have anything she likes, spoil your family and have a great time doing it you've earned it, It's about time you started living life to the full, and stopped holding back!!

You sound like a lovely bloke `What are you doing tomorrow night? fancy a date with a gorgeous blonde naive bimbo type?? Or will you be dying your hair ??

Nice to talk to you

Caroline (blonde naive bimbo type) X