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Horror/Thriller Banshee Chapter – Coming to DVD and VOD (Jan26)

From Executive Producer Zachary Quinto's ('Star Trek') Before the Door Pictures ('Margin Call', 'All is Lost') comes this highly entertaining

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Big Fat to Thin Brides searches for big, beautiful brides-to-be in Morecambe

A new weight loss competition that aims to help overweight brides get into shape before their wedding has launched across

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March is ISA season in Morecambe

Savings accounts and investment strategies aren't always the easiest thing to get your head around and how interesting are interest

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How to Prepare for University Life

Every fall thousands of students begin their preparation for university life. Those who are new to living away from home

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How to Avoid Plagiarism When You Buy Essays

Avoiding plagiarism while attending university is critical. With many students today buying essays as opposed to spending countless hours on

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Top 10 Ways to Incorporate Technology into Education

Whether you are a university student or a professor, integrating technology into classroom learning is important today for many reasons.
