Thanks for visiting the online community for Morecambe.
If you are seeing this message then below is the old Morecambe website.
This will be under construction for the next few months so do check back and keep an eye on our homepage for the latest changes.

 Gallery What the Chuff!

Send us your Pictures and Drawings and we will show them below. Click on the photo for a larger picture.

These 3 all all Morecambrians. This photo came from a German newspaper in the seventies after they had cycled to Germany from Morecambe. Does anybody recognise any of them? If any one gets all three right, I'll eat my hat! (only joking.)

Cheers my dears
Regards Chuff

I'm sure most of you have access to a scanner to get the images into your computer then simply e-mail them to us at


The Alhambra theatre Morecambe on a very hot day!

Moby Dick in Morecambe Bay

Also send your happy snaps