Lancaster City Council is encouraging residents and business owners in charge of historic properties in Morecambe to mark this year’s National Maintenance Week by carrying out routine repairs and maintenance in readiness for winter.
National Maintenance Week (23–30 November), takes place each year and as part of the Morecambe Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) 2: A View for Eric, the council is urging anyone who looks after a historic building in Morecambe to put some energy into maintaining their properties before the onset of winter.
Grants are already available under the initiative for targeted properties in the western end of the Morecambe Conservation Area to assist with restoring historic buildings but are not available to carry out routine repair and maintenance which should be done by property owners as standard practice.
As part of the initiative the council has organised a maintenance and repair workshop with guest speaker – James Innerdale, a conservation architect.
The session is aimed at home and business owners, volunteers, and built heritage contractors and professionals and contractors who look after unlisted and listed buildings. The workshop is taking place on Wednesday 28 November 2012 between 1pm and 4.30pm at Morecambe Winter Gardens.
Numbers are limited so prior booking is essential. To book your place call (01524) 582375 or email at
Coun Janice Hanson, cabinet member with responsibility for economic regeneration and planning, said: “National Maintenance Week offers everyone in charge of some of Morecambe’s oldest properties a great excuse to catch up with all the small but important jobs that they know need doing, but haven’t got round to.
“Carrying out maintenance on a regular basis reduces the need to carry out major and more expensive repairs at a later date. Not only that but it makes them more energy efficient too and offers up even more savings in fuel bills.
“With so many benefits on offer for just a couple of hours of your time, I would urge everyone in charge of a property in Morecambe, whether they be listed or unlisted to join thousands of others across the country in giving them a bit of TLC during National Maintenance Week.”
For more information and top tips on the simple steps you can take visit