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Visitors Book 2000
and a few late 1999 visits!
Happy Christmas from all at Morecambe Internet
Tony Taylor - Sydney Oz - e-mail :,au
Very nostalgic to return in spirit to the town I left 50 years ago.I love the fact that despite the indignities the old girl has suffered so many people seem to be drawn to or back. One day the obsession with Blackpool will finally die and her old motto will live again..."Beauty abounds...." Love and thanks Tony Taylor
Hello Tony, I don't think the obsession with Blackpool will ever die. It's noisy, hectic, full of arcades and rides, in fact everything that Morecambe's not, the kids (young and old) love it. The only down side to Blackpool is sometimes the drunks are a bit rowdy and you can spend more money in one day than you can anywhere else in a week! But if you want to let go and wind down for the day, I'd recommend it. Maybe I should be running a Blackpool website! But still "Beauty abounds". Everyone has their memories and it's nice when they're happy ones.
Brian Wilson - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter and all in Morecambe. Wishing you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
My New Years card to you all....
Cheers Brian, don't get too drunk!
Andrew Love - Edinburgh, Scotland - e-mail
My name is Andrew Love and I would like to say that I really love Morecambe. When I was young I used to go there for my holidays and the best part was going to Frontierland. I used to love going on the big texas tornado rollercoaster and the cable car that went across the promenade, but now I have found out that Frontierland has been demolished and that brings me great sadness. I was wondering if anyone could send me photo's of the park so I can remember it? That would be grate if you could. I know this is a big question but if anyone reading this is walking down the prom and passes by Frontierland could you take some photo's for me?
Myself and a friend are going to be making a book dedicated to Frontierland and Morecambe Pleasure Park. I was wondering if you had any pictures or information you could send me about the park? I have all the pictures from the website and I was wondering if anyone had any personal pictures or other photo's of the park?
Eh, Hello yous all, well, it's like this. big Andrew wants a few pictures and it's down everys one of use to send 'em to 'im.... I never could do a Scottish accent but mines a double! Seriously if you have any pictures of Frontierland as was. It could be the rides, it could be someone being sick after coming off a ride, or a bewildered parent thinking 'What am I doing here'. I'm sure Andrew will appreciate anything you have.
Paul Teasdale - e-mail :
I'm ex-Heysham High 1981-1988. I've been exiled in the Midlands for 10 years now, but the site looks great, and reminds me of "home". When I come back to Morecambe it never looks as nice!
Any other 80's teenagers feeling old these days?
You must be joking how do you feel us 70's (and beyond) teenagers think.... scratch that, bollocks! (pardon my French!) We're only as old as we think we are, I like to call it wiser, more experienced more in control of our destiny.... I mean who wants to go out drinking every night, going skinny dipping, having parties until all hours, kissing members of the opposite sex and not remembering their name in the morning and not having a care in the world!.... Do I sound convincing? I hope someone invents a time machine before it's too late!
Heter Hornby, - Saussines, France - e-mail :
Hello again
I pop back every now and then to view the site, which is excellent. I saw Dave Midgely's comments about the "day of the fires". I was working at Barry's cafe on that day with a view of the Moby Dick. Firstly many fire engines passed on the way to the West End, then a wisp of smoke rapidly grew from Moby Dick. Very quickly Moby Dick was in flames, but all the fire engines were headed to the W.E.
A day to remember !
Hello Peter, nice to hear from you. Do you think if we built a replica of Moby Dick with a few themed rides around it, that more tourists would come to Morecambe? (are you listening councillors?)
SERGUEI, - San Francisco USA - e-mail :
Write me everybody, especially those who are from KMV, Russia
Hi, I take it you're originally from Russia yourself! It's the English name that gives you away! You're not one of those 'Sleepers' are you? Personally speaking I need at lease 7 hours or I'm no use to anyone!.... PS Afganastan Bananastan.... that should take care of 'Gore' and his recounts!
Viet Cong - Amsterdam
I just got back from Morecambe last night......was good to see the old place.....although the Eric Morecambe statue is like so tacky with lights flashing around it a night.. went to my local pub....the bath hotel.."Since my baby left me I found a new place to dwell, It's down at the end of Northunberland Street And it's called The Bath Hotel" My heart is in Morecambe, loads of memories good and bad!!! But for a holiday no way..n Hello to every1. At least I'm still known as Viet Cong. Morecambe is ok but it's not the town, it's the people.
Hello Viet, good to hear you in high spirits. with 'Every Breath You Take' you're just 'Born to be Wild' while you're 'Rocking all over the World' with a 'Burning Love' for Morecambe people, 'People who need People' you will 'Always' remember, as 'I Remember You' that it's 'My Kind of Town' Morecambe is, because 'We are the Champions' my friend and 'We will Rock You' like a 'Spirit in the Sky' with a 'Picture of you' picking 'Tulips from Amsterdam'
Sue, - Perth, Australia - e-mail :
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL IN MORECAMBE. FROM SUNNY PERTH. Just thought I'd let you know spending the weekend at the beach the weathers great in the low 30s.
Hi Sue, Merry Christmas to you and yours too XX. Just thought I'd let you know we've had some freak weather over here with temperatures in the mid 30s, we've all been advised to wear very strong Sun Cream factor 2001 for chance of severe burning and skin cancer. Hang on a minute, I'm just going outside to get some wood for the fire!... oops let it slip...OK, ok, It's chuffing freezing with high winds and many parts of the UK are flooded. Still, I can think of you on the beach (Topless I hope!) with a cool glass of lemonade and a bar-b-q full of goodies. I hope Santa brings you what you want for Christmas.
Dave Midgley, - Lancs/Yorks border, UK - e-mail :
Hello Peter,
Now I've bookmarked your site, I've become a daily visitor. Further to my first message hoping to find fellow classmates at Euston Road School between 1964-1970, here are a few names I can remember. Headmaster Mr Baldwin (who used to take great pleasure in giving me the cane!) Mr Jones (Maths), Mr Robinson (Art), Mr Young (Woodwork), Mr Brindle (PE & Games), Mr Atkinson (English?), Stephen Sanderson, Dennis Blagg, Peter Shelling, (old uncle tom cobbley and all, I can hear you saying!!!)
I used to live at Priory Villas - remember that? The police station now occupies the site, then I moved to Branksome Drive. I was an avid follower of the "Shrimps" and used to change the scores on the old wooden scoreboard. Ahh, the days when Wigan Athletic used to bring several thousand fans - a great atmosphere! I had various jobs in Morecambe, mainly hotel & catering: Midland Hotel (showed Eric & Ernie to their room once). I also worked at that amazing shop on the front that used to have those huge pies in the window - does anyone remember its name?
I worked in the Tropicana restaurant the night the West End pier AND Moby Dick were burned down (shame). And had a spell at Morecambe Soft Drinks (now there's a name to conjure with!!). I didn't mean this to be a potted history, but the memories came flooding know how it is Peter when you've just had a Tia Maria shandy?! A final thought: does anyone know the whereabouts of Anne Atkinson (Lancaster Girls Grammar school 1960's/70's??). Toodle-oo!
Hello Dave, you don't half go on a bit! Lot's of good memories to share.
Spider (MIke Mayor) - Ottawa/Ontario, Canada - e-mail :
Peter: I went on the chat room today at 2:00PM EST whichm I believe is 8:00PM Morecambe time. Spike was on but he didn't answer me so I talked to myself for a bit. What the hell I'm a bit daft you know. Its funny I go on your site at least once a month and try to catch up on things. I will send Brian on Toronto an email as Ottawa where I live is playing Toronto tonight at Hockey.We have played Toroto twice and won both times and I believe we can win again tonight. It's a big rivalry here.
I notice that a lot of people remember The old Post Office on Lancaster road, Bill Wilson and Gillian Barrett. I am sitting here looking at my old class photo of MR Smith's 1950 Class at the National School, Poulton Square. Gillian is in the picture. All of us must have been around eight or nine at the time.
There is Roberta Parks (Melbourne, OZ), Judith Tobias (Little Rock ARK USA), Terry Metcalfe and his sister, (OZ) Jimmy Downing, Jackie Hayton, Arthur Weaver Myself and my Brother, Peter just to name a few. When I was in the Land of OZ visiting Roberta She suggested we should have a Reunion of people that went to the old Natishey school. Again I don't have to tell you how much I enjoy this site. keep it going. I will try again to night on the chat room at 10 o'clock GMT.
Hi Mike, you'll have to watch Spike, she's a bit of a raver! She plays for both sides of the team, so be warned! Whatever happened to good old football, Hockey always looks like a good excuse for a punch-up to me.... hmm it is a bit like football after all!
Gary Hutton, - Salem, USA - e-mail :
I really like the website mainly because recently i met the most beautiful girl from Morecambe whom i am in love with and want to marry her. i will be seeing her real soon and i want to make this my new home.
Aaah, how sweet! You don't have two teeth marks in your neck do you, I've heard about Salem. Perhaps you are under a spell and it's just a way of getting you over to Morecambe before you are taken over and become one of them!!!
Thommy Mcgeachy, - Glasgow, Scotland - e-mail :
I think your web site is quite good, my family generally go to morecambe for there holidays and would be interested to know about whether the old frontierland will be reopening etc, ps what is happening to bubbles will it be reopening. i would like to here from you.
Pants, pants, pants and more pants. I hope you got my e-mail explaining everything but if you didn't read the replies below, the answers are there.
Jemma, - Monmouth - England
I think its boring
I think you've hit the nail on the head there Jemma, you're not one of Janets kids below are you?
Janet Jones - Monmouth UK
I was born in Morecambe and I went to Morecambe Grammar School from 1967 - 1974. I am now teaching IT at a school in South Wales. All the work for Year 7 is based on an imaginary theme park in Morecambe called Pleasure Land.
All my classes are currently using the Morecambe Web Site to produce information sheets on Morecambe. One of them even asked me if it was a real place!
I really like the web site especially the archives section. this is the first time I have seen a proper picture of Morecambe Tower
Thanks for the memories.
Hello Janet. I think your idea is really good. When your project on Pleasure Land is complete please e-mail me some pictures and stories and I will be more than happy to put them on the website. I'm sure your kids will love seeing there work on the web. Perhaps if someone with buckets full of money sees it, they might even build it!.... well we can always dream!
Dave, - Lancashire UK - e-mail :
What a surprise to find such a well thought out and interesting site! I'm originally from Morecambe and visit fairly regularly. I'm particularly interested in making new friends and perhaps corresponding with people who may have been around from 1964 - 1970 and hopefully attended Euston Road School. Oh, reading the visitors book I was on Jimmy Saville's case straight away (as you were) but you didn't spot the obvious: Jimmy spells his surname with one "l" Savile!!
Good Luck!
Cheers Dave, I'm sure someone will recognise you and get in touch.
Steve McMaho - Bald Scouser - Blackpool, England
After taking over at Blackpool, Aunt Nelly and I went to Morecambe and she really enjoyed it. So there and then I thought, that's it, I'll get Blackpool relegated so we can play Morecambe next year and Aunt Nelly will be happy she just loves your teacakes and as for me I'm a bit of a closet punk
Morecambe 2 - Blackpool 0, could it be anything else!
Johnnyboy, - Stoke-upon-the-old-Trent - England - e-mail :
It's so funny to see my old town have a homepage. Haha, I'll be visiting again soon.
You're easily pleased!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter, just checking in on your Great web site, again. I enjoy reading all the comments from other visitors from around the globe. particularly got a chuckle from "Victors" comments about "Fatty Arbuckle"....Whats in a name?.... I recently read an advert in a local paper here in Toronto for a Fish and Chip shop. The name was "Ohrid Fish and Chips" Well the name itself had me laughing.. I wasn't sure if it was a spelling mistake..but being a lover of fish and chips I had to investigate. Sure enough the sign above the shop read boldly!! "OHRID FISH AND CHIPS." I bought some Haddock and chips (didn't sell mushy peas) from the Chinese guy behind the counter.. It was most definitely a spelling mistake...they were "Horrid" fish and chips.
And now for something completely different: A couple of weeks ago I bought a box of old 78 records at an auction. (those are the big old ones that whiz round fast and when you drop 'em..they break). There were several Gracie Fields, some Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and 10 George Formby records. I was going to try and sell them on (auction) I was checking the condition of the records by taking them out of their sleeves when I noticed that one of the George Formby records had a signature across the centre of the label. "George Formby" I had got an autographed record. I was quite exited... So what has this to do with Morecambe or the price of sliced bread you may ask? Well nothing. But he is a Lancashire lad and it was quite a surprise finding the record in Toronto.
We are hoping to come over to Morecambe in January... If we do I will look you up and maybe get an Eric Statue...You can buy us a beer, mine's a Guiness, "get out of that"
Flish an Ships mmmm lobely!
An autographed George Formby LP will be worth something to a collector, it's just finding one. Perhaps you could lean on a lamp post on the corner of a street until a certain little collector goes by!
OK, you've twisted my arm, you buy a statue and I'll buy you a pint of Guiness (you'll have to make it a Saturday) email me a bit nearer the time and we'll make it a date. I look forward to meeting you.
Jimmy Saville, London, UK - e-mail :
Now then, now then, now then, what is all this Morecambe malarky? I'm not sure, but I may have been there before. It was CR*P. Jingle-jangle-jewellery. No, just kidding - in fact it was a blast. Anyway,
And remember:
Yeh, Yeh, Yeh, you're Jimmy Saville and I'm Elvis Presley! ...and aren't you a Leeds lad?
Viet Cong, - Holland - e-mail :
Helo0o long time...... wats this about frontier land being knocked down? ok let's come to Morecambe fer us hols...fer wat? place is a bl**dy mess now( o hello peter.) that's all i gotta say...
Hi Viet, nice to hear from you. Wat d ya mean 'bl**dy mess', the prom is clean an I av ner liked Frontier Land, it wa gettin run down!
You could always go the the 'Sunshine Bar and have a drink with Erin and Shmaggie below
Keep in touch, that's all i gotta say!
e-mail : noneofyourblinkinbusiness@cyalater (it's not for my benefit!)I have lived in morecambe all my life and have yet to find anything to do. it is literally a health hazard, drugs, violence and crime are everywhere. the town is in shambles. and as 4 friendly people there are loads alcoholics, smackhead and teenage mums are always very talkative. and as for pubs the sunshine bar is amazing admission is free, it's fully air conditioned (probably cos it's outside) the view is wonderful, and the white cider is the best in morecambe. and as for the amazing eric morecambe statue ... one word.... why?????????
Hello Erin, Every town has its problems. If you say you are seeing these things on a daily basis, then do something about it. You're telling me that you've lived in Morecambe all your life and sat back an done absolutely nothing about it. Crime, Drugs and Violence are against the law the police will do something about it if you have proof and report it, because if they don't then they are breaking the law!.
As for the Eric Morecambe statue, I'll tell you 'why'. It's a tribute to one of the greatest comedians that ever walked the face of the earth, not only that, visitors to Morecambe have Quadrupled just to see him.
Finally don't just sit there moaning to me. If you say you can't find anything to do. think up some ideas of what you would like to see in Morecambe for entertainment, get people to sign a petition and present it to Lancaster Council so they can try to help. You want a life then 'Make a Life'.
Paul, there's an old saying familiar to all the true Morecumbrians it's this: 'Get 'em in, mine's a double'
Lisa Thompson, - Leyland, England- e-mail :
This site 9is ok, but there is nothing on the history of morecambe. I am a student of runshaw college and would find the history of morecambe very interesting and important towards getting a good grade
If anyone sends in something historical I will gladly put it on the site, there are already a few mentions to the old Morecambe with pic's, you just have to look for them! Then there's always me, I histerical!
Victor, - Morecambe UK - e-mail :
Hello Victor.... Lickle letters please! ..... There are a number of Restautants with 'Sad' names such as a fish shop called 'Jack the Kipper' and Chinese restaurant called 'Wa-U-Wan' and an Italian restaurant called 'The Valantines Day Massacre all you can eat just give me all of your money, your wife and your life' Honest would I lie to you?.
Fatty Arbuckles has restaurants all over the country and have been in existance for several years. Personally I find them expensive and don't eat there but the service was good and the food didn't poison me! You are a liitle late in the day to be complaining about this, next you'll be writing about the lack of lifeboats on Titanic!... Still good eating!
Andrew Diamond - Kendal - e-mail :
Does any one use the chat line? if so when?
How do I find out if anyone has any old photo's of the winter gardens faiground in the 70's
Best regards, andrew.
The Chat Line is used by a number of people but not necessarly at the same time! I have tried several ideas to attract people to it but with little success. I you or anyone have any suggestions to help the chat line then please let us know. The Best place for pictures of Morecambe is the Library. If anyone has any pictures then please send them in.
Edwin Williams, - Leyland, nr Preston, Lancashire - e-mail :
The web site is excellent. I have spent many happy holidays in Morecambe as a child in the 50's/60's and still enjoy my occasional visits. I am very nostalgic and would love to know if there is there anyone out there with any photographs of Heysham in its heyday showing the street with all the nettle beer stalls, they would bring back such happy memories for me. Also does anyone have photographs of the funfairs at Morecambe. I remember the many bingo stalls, in particular the one that gave us bottle tops to cover the numbers as they came out as a result of customers throwing balls into a large catchment area. Finally I would also love to see again pictures of the electric train that ran between Lancaster and Morecambe, passing through Scale Hall and other never to be forgotten names that used to tell me how near I was to the seaside and the restaurants on the front who proudly displayed their wares to tempt customers inside. I have photographs and would love to share mine somehow with other interested readers of this web page. Keep up the excellent work, I will write again soon if people are interested.
Come on then people, let's have your photo's, Life's too short and edwin's waiting!
Elizabeth, - Heysham and Canterbury, England
I think the web site is good. However, I think the town itself is c***, there is nothing there to do in the winter but bowling and cinema, lots of places are boarded up, and huge posh places for pigeons to live. You can walk through the Arndale centre in Two minutes. Morecambe's only real asset is that it is close to the lake district and the cities of Manchester and Liverpool. Bubbles is also dirty and filthy, and the outdoor swimming pool is a waste of space. The town is really going down hill, and a lot of people in the area think it is a dump.
Elizabeth, what can I say, except, erh... hmm... you're right! Don't get me wrong, I love Morecambe and its history but what of the future! There are a lot of people that like Morecambe for what it is, a quite, peaceful place. They will arrive on holiday and use Morecambe as a base, so they can go on trips to the Lakes etc. It will never be Blackpool, nor do we want it to be. As far as I'm aware Bubbles has been closed for health and safety reasons and reverted back to council ownership, let's wait and see what they do with it. The West End needs bringing to life or fencing off!. The new Freeport shopping area in place of Frontierland will hopefully give you more places to walk (and spend) all year round. Let's face it over the last few seasons Frontierland has been getting run down and has needed gutting. Unfortunately that means even less to do for the kids.
I really do think that Elizabeth 'you' can make a difference. It's all right having a good old moan, but if you want Morecambe to change, do something about it, start a petition and shove it in the councils face. The council is there to help you, they want Morecambe to change but sometimes they need a kick up the backside!
If there is a rich Arab out there with a few Million Pounds to spare please send it to me and I will personally see that it is put to good use, I need a flash car and could do with a holiday and a new house would be nice!
PS don't ask me to get involved, I'm a good for nothing lazy, couch potato, I haven't washed for six weeks, I'm wearing the same pair of smelly, dirty underpants from christmas 1985, my wooden leg has worms and my social worker has stopped calling just because there are a few beetles and rats running around. Now if that isn't enough to put you off your tea, nothing else will.
In all seriousness, if any of you aren't happy, do something!
Suzanne Mcgee, - Perth, Australia - e-mail :
To: Lisa Spiller.
Hi I'm Suzanne Mcgee {nee Griffiths} I worked in Morrisons Morecambe until 2 years ago when I emergrated to Perth.
Whos your sister.
I attended Morecambe high school left 80.
Hello Sue, It's a small world!
Phyllis (Shaw) Needham, - London, Ontario, Canada - e-mail :
Hello again from Canada. Now that summer is over I will be back to spending time on the computer. Cold, wet and miserable today, our Thanksgiving Weekend. We had some snow last night but it didn't last, thank goodness. Great to see all the people from all over the world signing in, we are truly a global village, aren't we. Some of the comments bring back a lot of memories, especially the one from Brian re looking for money under the West End Pier. I remember doing that in the the mid to late forties and had forgotten about it until now. My brother Gerard had asked if anyone remembers "parched peas" which we used to buy on our way to school. So far no luck but maybe someday someone will remember. Thanks Peter, for a great site and lots of fond memories. Phyllis
Hi Phyllis, cold, wet and miserable here too, nothing but rain for the last couple of weeks, down south (Wales and Kent) there has been major flooding with 4' of water on the main streets. Still luckily no flooding here. I never really understood 'Thanksgiving' or when exactly it is! I always thought it was linked with Christmas but obviously not, perhaps you could enlighten me. Nice to here from you, keep in touch, regards Peter.
Hi Again - re you question about Thanksgiving. It is the equivalent of Harvest Festival which I remember as a religious ceremony. The populace gives thanks for a good year and a bountiful harvest to see us through the coming winter. The Americans celebrate their Thanksgiving about the 3rd week in November. Hope this answers your question.
Thanks Phyllis, you learn something new every day. I wonder what I'll learn tomorrow?
The website is great the Illuminations look like a school project gone wrong!
Thanks for your comments, although you didn't leave your name, I do find your comments quite funny LOL! (Well worth a trip to Blackpool, I think!)
Hey Carmelo, How are you today, I speak very well all the language! I too tink de site is nice and interstead!
Mr J Garrart - Teacher - Lancaster
Hello Mr Garrart or may I call you 'J' no perhaps not! Please Sir, I don't know why you have to shout to make your point 'lickle letters' will do! Who said that anyone coming to Morecambe wanted to have fun! They can walk along the new promenade or skip and smile, They could admire the sites like: Bubbles fun pool (closed!) or the Midland Hotel (rundown) Frontierland (Polo tower is not working and there are plans to make it into a Freeport shopping Centre with just a small area for rides) The only thing worth seeing is the Eric Morecambe statue.
Mr Garrart, you live in the area, if you feel so strongly about it then start a petition, get all the kids from your school and as many others as possible and complain the the council. But don't just say there's nothing to do, make suggestions, give the council ideas on what the kids want. If it is the end of Frontierland then perhaps a Theme Park on the edge or Morecambe so the noise doesn't disturb too many people, or a Massive fun playground on the beach with a water rides. I don't know the answer but perhaps you could start the ball rolling!
The Council will probably tell you they have already spent millions on the promenade and other projects aimed at tourists and there are events throughout the year. But you should question them, why, what , when, where, how and make them rethink their plans. Get them to find investors and sponsors. The members of the council are only human and sometimes they get so excited about their current projects that they lose sight of the little things, like the joy of laughter!
PS I bet you don't teach English! you see, this site is full of fun!
Please note these comments are my own and this site will accept no responsibility for them, the best you could do is get me sacked and have the comments removed!
Li-an Spiller, - Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
I was born and bred in Morecambe but came to live in Newcastle 10 yrs ago. All my family still live there and i go and visit at least once a month. My dad used to drive the little blue train on the prom, but sadly he died three years ago. I used to go to Heysham High school and left in 1984 (i think), and my sister works in Morrisons on the prom, well hope to get back home soon.
Hi Li-an, Sorry about your dad, you've seen the progress as a close outsider of Morecambe. What do you think of the changes over the past ten years. Could the council do more! Oh dear, I'm getting boring again, Caroline banged her knee on the side of here desk and that made me laugh, perhaps we should place hundreds of desks on the promenade and see what happens!
Cath Prescott, - Carlisle, England, - e-mail :
What a fabulous website! I accidently came accross it when looking for something completely different! I used to live in room overlooked Morecambe and over Morecambe Bay, I really miss seeing the wonderful sunsets!
Morecambe is a wonderful place, but often given bad's time it was appreciated, and this website show's our Morecambe at its best, well done!
Cath, Cath, Cath, Thank you , Thank you, Thank you, I was beginning to give up hope but you have brought a smile back to my face and warm glow from my heart. Just as I was going to throw my computer out of the window. Thanks
Mike Saban, - Whitwell, Derbyshire, UK - e-mail :
Just having a quick look to see what's changed since the last time I looked. As I've said before this is an excellent site for both locals and potential visitors. I've even put in a link on my pages, keep up the good work, all the best.
Hi Mike
Have you been practising the art of crawling, if not you must be a natural. Cheers Mike.
Steve Dyer, - Morecambe UK - e-mail :
I still think this site is absolutely tremendous. I couldn't live without it. My life is spent doing mostly nothing but I often visit this remarkable site to cheer me up. It's so good that I tell all my chums about it whenever they visit me or phone me, which isn't often enough. Perhaps you could devote a page to us gays and or lesbians. That would fill in a small gap that is the only criticism I can think of.
Keep up the good work. PS On Saturday 23 sept there is to be a charity do at the Dome from 8 'til 2am and any proceeds are to go to the hospice. The do is in memory of Keith BOOMER Wilson who sadly died a few weeks ago. Any one is welcome to come and support this great cause.
Gays and Lesbians are all welcome, if anyone want's to send us information to put on the site we will bend over backwards to help!. This site has no boundaries, we can move in any direction you wish, just give us the information. If you send any details it must be on a regular basis and be of interest to other people. Don't just send a page saying I like men's bottoms or If there are three people from Lesbainia can I watch! Remember everyone is welcome to this website, even you Steve!
Dave, - London - e-mail :
Wow, I just visited the site after making my previous comments, it seems that half of Lancaster & Morecambe have lived in Australia for a few years.... though I only ever bumped into one "Brooks international" member whilst I was over there. The comments page is cool, keep up the good work!
Yeah Dave, it seems people can't get far enough away from Morecambe 12,000 miles or there abouts is a bit extreme but Australia is a nice place. Nice to see Steve Redgrave and his crewe kick ass in the coxless 4's rowing, 5 Gold medals. and then it hit me, he's been there for 20 years because he couldn't get in the bathroom and now someone's given him the Key! I think Steve should take a well deserved rest!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter, just writing because, well, it seemed like a good idea. I just went to the chat line and to my surprise I found someone else on there. "Brad" unfortunatly we couldn't chat long because Brads wife dragged him away.I was wanting to catch up on what's happening in Morecambe. So I then went to read your latest messages in the visitors book.
I enjoyed Brian BOWKER's memories of Morecambe that is just how I remember Morecambe. Brian said that he was at Morecambe Grammer from 1960 to 1968...that is pretty much the same time I was at The Friend's School Lancaster. Many of my friends went to Morecambe Grammer. I wonder if he knows of Christine Riley, Nancy Barker....
We are in the process of selling our house in Toronto and we have bought a Houseboat in the East end of Toronto, an area called Scarborough. ""
The houseboat has to be registered and given a name...We decided to call the houseboat "Morecambe and Wise one" (My wife is the wiseone)
Great web site....I can just smell the "FISH AND CHIPS"
Hi Brian, I believe all wives wiseones! My wife told me it's true! mmmm lots of salt and vinegar!
Peggy Lee, - St. Louis, MO. USA - e-mail :
The website is great and the comments are interesting but I am unsure as to where Morecambe really is. The place seems to be beautiful and mysterious but is it an actual place ? Whereas, I sit here melting near the muddy Mississippi River in the middle of the US. There is nothing like a steamy St. Louis summer to make you wish to run away with the visiting carnival and pray they are headed north! It also seems everyone has been there at one time or another but there is no one there now. Almost like St. Louis. aloha friends.
Hi Peggy, Morecambe is definitely an actual place and here's how to find us: Take a short river boat ride down the Mississippi river to St. Louis, take the train heading east to Washington, stop off at the White House and check if he did not have relations with Monica Lewinski, then hire a bike and head North East to Philadelphia, where you will meet a man telling a 'story'! Take his advice, then get on a bus to New York (at this point it would be advisable to hide your money!) grab a Taxi and head for Boston, by this time you should be ready for a 'Tea Party'. Get on a cargo ship and head for Newfoundland (careful with your matches, these wooden ships do catch fire quickly!) Call in at Dave's house and stay the night. When morning breaks you will wake up refreshed and ready for the 4,000 miles swim, east, across the North Atlantic Ocean, continue swimming around the north of Ireland, then drop down about 60 miles, keep heading east and there is Morecambe, on the mid west coast of the United Kingdom.... You could always catch a plane!
Hello Richard, I do like crawlers!
Marjorie Chadwick, - Sydney AUSTRALIA e-mail :
We need an Olympic Gold here people, come on Barbara, Merle, Suzy and the rest. Get in touch with Marjorie.... She's waiting!
Hazel Egan, - Lancaster/Morecambe. Kirkby Lonsdale - Australia - e-mail :
Hello's me!! Like many others, I have tried to find a few people on the 'Chat' on Saturdays ..even stayed up to some 'ungodly' hour but without luck!! Am in communication with Betty (Jolley) and Lynette, recent emigrant to this lovely country and I also had some nice mail from Don Carter in Morecambe ....just returned from an 8 week holiday in Queensland ..visiting Far North tropical Cairns and then down to Brisbane ...lovely time with Adrian & Julian for those who remember ....still get homesick ..after all, three years since I was home ..hoping to incorporate Morecambe in a proposed 'Round the Worlder' year Morecambe, get rid of all those chip papers and rubbish ..that's one of the most embarrassing sights for me ..where here, if you're caught littering - it's a hefty fine !! ( You did ask for negative remarks too Pete ..!! )Still can't beat that beautiful sunset across the bay nor the sound of the oyster-catchers at low tide ..cheers for now ..Hazel
Hi Hazel, I'm glad you're talking to Betty, she's very nice. Hang on a minute... ... ... ... ... that's better, I'm back, I've just been eating Fish and Chips and had to get rid of my rubbish out of the window....oops!
Martina, - Kingston, Canada,- e-mail :
It is a great site
Martina, I love you now and I always have!
Stacy Thompson - Lancaster
I think it is a good web page and for people who have never been there before, I am so sure it would make them want to go.
Thanks Stacy. I had a curry last night and it made me want to go!!
Brian Bowker, - Lymington, Hants England e-mail :
Hi, I was at Morecambe Grammar School from 1960-1968. I have lots of fond memories of Morecambe and usually get to visit 3 or 4 times a year (to see my Mum) Much of my time there is spent boring my 2 children with stories of life as a youngster in the 50's and 60's - crabbing, looking for money under the piers (dropped by visitors in the arcades above), building barracades, Morecambe baths (highest diving boards/longest pool) yawn....yawn...views over the bay, Happy Mount Park, sand being brought from Blackpool (true!) and summer nights listening to drink filled singers (from outside!) the 6 or 7 pubs in Queen Street (the Barbary Coast) where I used to live.
Although i've been away from Morecambe for 33 years, Morecambe FC is still the first result I look for on a Sunday morning. Bovril, meat pies, Christie Park and Netherfield being thrashed 7 nil! Fond memories.... (I am not such a sad git really!!!)
Hello, I'm sorry Brian but you are a 'sad git' and there's a lot of us about! It's memories like yours which help to build character and give us life! I remember the time when... she was absolutely.... I was shaking with.... it took ages to dry! ... ah, memories!
Dave - (ex Lancastrian) London (at the moment) - e-mail :
Just in reply to Vickys note on living in Australia, I did the same thing & lived there for 5 years. You do get homesick, but the best cure is to go on holiday back home for a bit & you soon realise that things move on. (though somehow I do find myself back in the UK again!) Anyway, what a cool site!
Keep smilin all you northeners!
Hi Dave, good advice for Vicky. Hmm you seem to be a bit of a Maverick, free spirit, wherever you lay your hat that's your home.... Are you on the run? !
Oksana, - Pyatigorsk - Russia - e-mail :
Hello Oksana, we must share a glass of Vodka sometime! Thank you for visiting the site.
Victoria Redford, - Sydney, Australia - e-mail :
I think it good that Morecambe have a website, most places do now a days.
I've been overseas for quite sometime now and I often check out Morecambe's website to see the changes around town and when I'm feeling home sick. Morecambe has sure change over the last 5 years, something's for the better and others I won't comment on.
I've been in Australia now for 3 Years and have bumped in to a few people from Morecambe and Lancaster, we are a rare bunch! but I'd just like to say if you are thinking of coming to Australia to do the backpacking thing.. then come it's an amazing country with lots to do and see.
Also if you know me Victoria Louise Redford from Ripley St Thomas CE School, drop me and e-mail as it would be great to catch up with old friends.
Just one more thing I just won't to say a big hello to all my family & Friends in Morecambe, "I Love you loads and miss you all so much".
Hope to see Morecambe soon
Love V.xxxxxxxxxxx (born and breed Morecambe)
Victoria, you should always comment on the bad things about Morecambe as well as the good because if you don't, your voice won't be heard and nothing will be done about it! I know this website reflects the positive side of Morecambe but that's just us. Any bad points raised by anyone to this website will be passed on to the Council to give them something to think about and hopefully improve.
Don't leave it too long before you visit, I'm sure your family and friends love and miss you too... and don't forget your backpack, it's a long walk across the beach!
Betty - Elizabeth Jolley - e-mail :
Hello Peter
Just calling in to say hello from Sunny California. Looking forward to coming over next year and walking on the prom with a Brucciani Ice Cream in my hand.
Be careful you don't let the Ice Cream melt and drip on your shoes. It's going to be a glorious summer next year!!!
Joanne Penney, - Sheffield, England - e-mail :
Me and my husband and son visited Morecambe the other day, to show the Eric Morecambe statue to my father-in-law derek.
We thought it was a nice place to visit, especially since the promenade etc has been done up, it was great to walk round a seaside resort without all the yobs screeching up and down in their cars (probably all in Blackpool!) ...well done keep up the good work both with the town and website!
The statue of Eric is brilliant and the promenade is a pleasure to walk down. We have the Bradford to Morecambe Raley and their wheels nearly screech! ...Blackpool pleasure beach and the Golden Mile is what attracts the 'Yobs', they are just out for a bit of fun (hopefully harmless) and a pint of six!
''Kiss Me Quick and Squeeze Me Slow'' a hat I used to own. now it's ''Get me a Coffee and a Comfortable Chair" and Taxi drive me home! Am I a poet, hmm, hmm, am I, am I really, am I really a poet, where things you say rhyme with things you say!! (Peter you're loosing it again!) Ooops, sorry!
Morecambe is not perfect, but it's getting there!
Dawn Gray, - Brussels, Belgium - e-mail :
To Mr. Martin Barnes
I just finished reading your poem "Morecambe Bay" and I left tear struck, it lightens my heart, to read such beautiful words. Thank you, for sharing you feelings with us, you are truly a gifted man.
Dawn, don't be saying things like that, Martin will have to go out and buy some new boots! He'll be getting too big for them! You too can feast your eyes upon this poem!, It must be all those 'Sprouts' that is making you teary! I'm sure Martin will be delighted with your comments, thanks.
Betty Jolley - Venice, California , USA - e-mail :
Oh I well remember that smashing nettle beer they used to sell. I forgot to get some when I was over last year. I remember going to some sort of fair in Heysham in 1947 and they were selling nettle beer.
Still have not had any luck tracing people who went to Balmoral Road School in 1946-1947. Surely they cannot all be picking daisies??
By the way Peter a big hello to you. I have been busy with a Yorkshire site I belong to. I just got made moderator for the Kiddies Corner. The site is Yorkshire from Afar. We are all crazy Yorkshire folk from all over the world.
Hi Betty, Yorkshire Pudding and Gravy, my mouth is watering at the thought of it. and.. Ex Balmoral Road, School 1946 - 1947 pupils, I'm sure you're not pushing up daisies, please get in touch with Betty, she's a wonderful person and would like to catch up you and talk over the good times and perhaps make some more!. If you're really nice to Betty, she might share her recipe for Yorkshire Puddings!
Kay Parker, - Munruben, Australia. - e-mail :
Great Site,
I grew up in Morecambe in the late 60's early 70's and logged on to see if any thing looked familiar.
My goodness 1860 to 1870 that will make you around 150 years old, I'm amazed you can still see the screen, never mind type. Well, things have changed, we have cars now, tarmac on the roads and the telephone is a blessing, not to mention indoor toilets! ... sorry, it's time to take my medicine!!!... Ah that's better... what day is it! can you really do that without breaking your back? I've heard you can mix lemonade and ice-cream to make a floater, without getting out of the bath..... Tuesday!
Dave Pickles, - London, UK - e-mail :
Fantastic, somebody is working hard! good to see the old sense of community hasn't left the place and having visited for the first time in years (last weekend) that they still sell nettle beer in the village.
keep up the good work.
Hi Dave, nettle beer, I hope you didn't get stung!
Viet Cong, - Holland - e-mail :
Hey pete long time no nowt....... I have been visiting the site but haven't been arsed to sign book. hello DYer as in Ste brother of the famous.. Mick. Remember Normington as in ace sax player well I'm his wife.. e mail him.. soz pete but you know how it goes... keep in touch
binmio binomi hoi
Sue, just exactly how much have you been drinking? I've sent your e-mail to MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard and the local Infants School to see if they can break the code!! We must have sex sometime, sorry play sax sometime, I play guitar myself. I've written loads of number one hits, but never managed to sell them to anyone, a legend in my own lunch hour. Going back a few years I played in a band (our own music) and one night in a pub called 'The Vaults' (opposite the Alhambra Theatre, now a car park) in Bradford. After the first set, I went to the toilet and two guys were taking a leak and talking: "What do you think of the band then?.. Better than the usual crap!". You see, we all get our moment of fame!!
Still, it's nice to hear from you sue, don't leave it so long next time or I'll send the police around!!
PS are you interested in Virtual Strip Poker on the chat? let us know!!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter, just calling back to see if any of your new netizens might remember me, I attended Lancaster Road Primary, from 1951 until 1958 and then attended The Friends School Lancaster until 1964...I then worked in the Morecambe Publicity Dep't until 1967 when I joined the Metro Police in London.
If any one remembers me..I look forward to hearing from them on my e-mail.
Don't forget... If anyone is coming over to Toronto from Morecambe... I would be interested in meeting them and showing them around.. Plus I am a big Buddy Holly fan and regularly go down to the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in Cleveland, Ohio. We can make the trip there and back in a day.
Rave On.....Oh yes the web Site...Just GREAT as usual
David Hill, - Bingley, England - e-mail :
David, you didn't leave any comments!
Is that because people from Bingley keep themselves to themselves, or because they listen to pop music on a personal stereo, while picking their nose and ignore everything around them or even because it's so exhausting just filling in, your name and address on the visitors book, that you haven't the energy to type any comments!... hmmm, perhaps not!...
I've been to Bingley thousands of times. My favourite music shop used to be JSG (now called Spectrum) and I've been to Mertle Park (Behind Bradford & Bingley Building Societies head office) for one off the best Fireworks display around, organised by The Round Table, there's usually 8 to 10 thousand people in attendance. Plus the 5 locks on the canal.... Hang on a minute, I'm supposed to be promoting Morecambe! You see what happens when you don't leave any comments!
Steve Dye, - Morecambe, UK - e-mail :
Hello fans, Steve here. Sorry I have been so long in getting in touch, but I've been rather busy redesigning the all new Microarse web. You should try it. Obviously there is a link to the Morecambe site (it's on the top links page). Hopefully I will now be able to send more of my great jokes to keep you all amused. Don't forget, visit soon.
Love Steve (Granddad) Dyer
Hi Steve, you do know the visitors book is not for advertising! It's for friends, families, visitors and ex-pats wanting to keep in touch. I'll let you off this time, but next time say something good, bad or indifferent about the Morecambe site or I'll tell everyone of how you're probably an over sexed, vertically challenged pigmy with a wooden leg, blue skin and three eyes!
Suzanne Mcgee, - Perth, Aussie e-mail :
Hi Morecambe from freezing perth. Just like to say hi to all that know us. And also Harry who used to live at Westminster Road, lived on there for a while with my inlaws at number 26.
Hi Sue, Hope you are enjoying your life in Perth even if it is freezing! I must admit, it's red hot at the moment,. The pubs and ice-cream shops are doing a roaring trade, trying to keep people cool. I can see at lease 50 topless bathers on the beach, soaking themselves with sun oil, making sure everyone is looking at them....and that's just the men! I'm sure things will start hotting up for you shortly!
Rob Hambly, - Cruise ship, at sea, South Pacific - e-mail :
Hello to everyone from the sunny South Pacific. I live in Heysham, but I have been sailing around the world for last 4 years on cruise ships, currently around the Tahiti islands. It's good to see Morecambe improving every year.
If anyone knows my mum, say "Hello" I haven't called for a while! Hello to all Newfy's, I was there last Summer, beautiful place. Keep up the good work fella.
Hello Rob, a cruise around the world for 4 years, did you win the lottery or something? You're either young and carefree, middle age and rich or in your twilight years wanting to experience everything before the big guy switches off the light (although if you're saying hi to mum, I'd put you at 5'11" tall, around 13.5 stone, aged 28 and working on the ships!). whichever it may be I am definitely jealous. However I can't imagine what it would be like to live without a fixed address for such a long time. Good on yer!
It's strange that wherever people live in the world, no mater how glamorous or exotic, they always have a special memory for their roots, whether it's Morecambe, Bridlington or Barnsley. It's the environment, your friends and family that give you the memories, good and bad, but without the history, the experience, we are all nothing .... oops, I'm slipping into a nostalgic mode, somebody slap me quick...Ouch!, not so hard!!!
Harry Laffan, - Brisbane, Australia - e-mail :
Hi, think your site is fantastic, good to see home again. Believe it or not it poured down here and was very cold today (12c). How about some new pictures? what you take for granted and see every day is an awful long way from here. My home address used to be 11a Westminster Rd. Bet it hasn't changed at all. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Hi Harry, I agree we could do with some new pictures, maybe showing the back streets and more personal areas for ex-pats. I know we show the popular 'clean' areas so visitors will know that you can have fun in Morecambe. If any one out there has any photo's worth showing on the site with a few words to set the mood, send them to pictures at and we'll put them on the site.
Gerard Shaw, - Port Franks, Canada - e-mail :
This is truly a grand site (and sight) - it brings back many fond memories - well done!!
I grew up and lived in Morecambe until 1948; attended St. Peter's Cathedral School in Lancaster; and on our way to school, we used to buy a treat called "Parched Peas". They were brown in colour, and tasted salty. Does anyone know how to make these or is there a recipe available? Would appreciate same if obtainable. Thanks G. Shaw
Hello Gerard, "Parched Peas", new to me, If anyone knows the recipe please e-mail it direct to Gerard and also send me a copy, so I can display it here, thanks.
Peter Kane, - Liverpool, England - e-mail :
Very good, informative.
Higha are kid, I always taught, dat Liverpudlians ad plenty to say, well, di do dow, don't di dow!
Betty Jolley, - Venice, California - e-mail :
Just calling in to say Hi and to let you know I have not been able to get onto the Morecambe site for some time because my computer went haywire on me. Any way I now have a new one and it is so nice to be back on. I have tried to get onto the what but there is never anyone one when I get through.
Yes Hazel did get in touch with me she thought I was the Elizabeth Jolley who is the well known author. Unfortunately I am not. I am just a lollipop lady out here in sunny California. I do have two poems on the site though that I somehow was able to write. One of them is for my dear departed friend Max Wall. I am working on another poem and will submit it real soon. I really am not a poet but I try.
I wish I was going to be in Morecambe this summer but I am saving my money for my daughters wedding that takes place out here next January. Next year I will definitely be there and will walk on the prom and get an ice cream at Bruciannis and go and see the statue of Eric Morecambe. By the way any of you out there really should buy a statue from Peter. They are lovely and I have mine in my front room where I can view it every day. I am saving my money also so I can get a first edition of one of Max.
I am a little disappointed that I have not been able to find any of the friends I went to Balmoral Road School with but it could be that everyone is dead or have not found this site.I am not giving up though. Maybe one day I will hear from someone I used to know
Does anyone remember a lovely lady by the name of Patti Regina. She was my singing and piano teacher. Every time I returned to Morecambe I would go and visit her. Such a great person.
Greetings from this end of the world
Hello Betty, I 'm glad you're back on-line and I'm happy you're enjoying your Eric (thanks for the plug!) We'll look forward to receiving your new poem.
Julie, - Barnsley UK
The Web site is really quite good although it looks more dramatic than Morecambe itself! Morecambe is looking good these days with a lot of money being spent on it. Well done to all. Hopefully Morecambe will become popular once more as a tourist spot.
Cheers Julie, It's easy to make the site 'dramatic' when you have a passion for Morecambe and sinse the Eric Morecambe statue was unveiled the visitors have quadrupled (according to Lancaster TIC).
Mungo, - UK
There's never anyone in the chat room. I must have visited 6 or 7 times now. Am I a sad **.?
Hello Mungo, 'CarolineAA' is usually on the chat at 7pm -8pm UK time on Saturday although sometimes she's talking to herself! We are trying to get more people hitting the chat at the same time by getting people involved. Perhaps you would like to be a host? For more information click here
Steve Dyer, - Morecambe UK e-mail :
Dear all
You all know how much I love this site. I spend most of my spare time writing to you and sending in photo's and jokes. That just leaves me a little time to write new jokes. Any way fans, why don't you put a link on your site to mine. I have had a link to the Morecambe site, in the centre of the home page since its launch. Come on, it won't hurt will it?
Cheers and hugs and kisses
Well every website has its loony and Steve you're ours! It must be with being the youngest granddad in town! I've always thought when the white van with the padded walls arrived it was for me, but I think I should save you a seat! Thanks for the photo for the Gallery of the riders from Germany to Morecambe who every they may be!
(I visited your website and some of the pictures didn't link properly and also you have it set up with 'Cookies' which I think are a pain in the ar*******)
Iain Cox, - High Wycombe, Bucks, England - e-mail :
I used to live in Morecambe...and I miss it a great deal. visiting your site brings back lots of good memories..not all good though! But Keep it up !
Cheers Iain - I didn't think anyone could have good memories from Morecambe. You must have lived a sheltered childhood.... and we don't miss you at all....erh... and we will only let you back in if you bring a friend and money for a donkey ride, and an ice cream. Did I mention a white van earlier!!!
Steve, - Torrisholme, UK - e-mail :
Beautifully set out web site. Very pleasing on the eyes and ears. Absolutely tremendous. Spiffing stuff, keep it up. it's lovely. Tell all your chums about it.
Choc's away chaps ! I wreally must tell wRoger & wRodewric how spiffing it is, dashed if it isn't a topo site. Next time I must bwring the cawravan. Cheers Steve, keep taking the tablets!
Hazel - Lancaster Morecame& Kirkby Lonsdale, Western Australia. - e-mail :
Winter begins June 1st but we have afternoon temps up in the 20'scelcius, still. We have had our first good winter rains yesterday and today and the farmers are frantically out there - seeding!! They work night and day, getting it into the ground. Our Spring begins September the 1st and this is one of the most beautiful months, when all the wild flowers bloom and the tourists arrive. My thoughts turn to 'home' though, when the chestnut and sycamore trees turn to their wonderful oranges and brown colours ... we don't have anything really, like that here. Like another of your writers ..I often have these 'Home thoughts from abroad' ....the waves pounding against the promenade by the Midland Hotel...the sunsets over the bay and seeing the white-topped mountains across it ... when we had a fall of snow - feeling homesick right now !!! Who would guess! cheers!
Hello Hazel, you paint a very beautiful picture
David Turner, - Hamilton, Canada - e-mail :
Sorry I am from Lancaster originally, been over here past 6 years, but saw your web site and am going to take a look. I went to LRGS in Lancaster from 78-85. Good to see all the comments.
I will go into the site pretty regularly.
Hello David, glad you like the site and don't be sorry about being from Lancaster, nobodies perfect!
Steve Dyer, - Morecambe, England - e-mail : stevedyerpilot@cs
Hi, I live in Morecambe and I think I am probably Morecambe's youngest Granddad. I have been a Granddad for just over 2 years and I am now 37. Can anyone beat that?
What a wonderful web site this is.
I am mostly interested in people of the opposite sex.
PS I am male
Wow a Granddad at 37 and male, that's amazing! It sounds like your family obviously couldn't wait for anything! You should have a word with your grand children and make sure you're not a great granddad before you're 50.
PS Steve keep your little friend locked away I don't want the visitors to the web site getting pregnant!
Mungo - Torrisholme, UK
Looked in the chat room. It was not easy to get in. Why should I need a password. If it's difficult you won't get visitors. Anyway its a nice site. Keep up the good work whoever you are.
Hello Mungo, we have tried to keep the chat room as simple as possible. The reason why we have a password is so we only have one person with one name. eg if someone enters David as their name and then leaves the chat, someone else could enter the chat and call themselves David and some of the other people in the chat will think it's the same person. So if you log in as David and give a password as say plonka this means unless the next David is a good guesser, he will not be able to use that name Therefore David 2 would have to choose another name: Dave or DavidT or Cheese of Fries or anything. It's all about trying to keep your identity unique.... Does that make any sense?
Hazel - /Lan/Morecambe/Kirkby Lonsdale, Australia - e-mail :
Hello - me again .. just to let everyone know I was a bit 'late' last Saturday - have had the 'flu and a 'bit slow' on the uptake' anyway I did speak with someone who was just about to watch the 'Footie'/ try and catch y'all this Saturday at 9pm Perth/Western Australian time ...2pm Morecambe time!!..cheers ! Hazel
Hello Hazel, I thought it was too warm down under for anyone to catch 'flu' I'll Try and catch you on the chat.
Brian Wilson, - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter...Just sitting here in the heat of a Toronto afternoon and thinking of Morecambe, the fresh breeze blowing across the Bay, the sun shining through the puffy clouds that slowly float across the sky and the pleasant sounds of the seagulls overhead The friendly people strolling along the prom...Oh to be in Morecambe now that summer is here.
Nice dream Brian but it's heavy with rain at the moment and you can't see the other side of the bay, but I can see a break in the clouds on the horizon, it should be clear in about an hour!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter, just checking in on THE site again. It improves every time I see it. You must be very busy. You should be proud of a great site and all the positive comments. Anyway enough of the small talk, We went to the Rock and Roll Hall all of Fame in Cleveland Ohio, last weekend to check up on my old friend Buddy Holly, Elvis and the gang. If any of my Morecambe friends are coming over to Toronto this summer tell them to contact me and we will arrange to take them to the R&R Hall....NOT TO BE MISSED!! I would get the greatest pleasure showing them around.
By the way I am organising a trip to Lubbock Texas, in September for the Buddy Holly Festival... Rave On
Good idea, readers should take Brian up on the offer.
Tim and Gina Haigh, - Barnsley. uk. - e-mail :
Me and my husband used to live in Morecambe and Heysham. I was born and bred in Lancaster, so seeing familiar places is very welcoming. It is interesting that the famous sculptor of Eric is from Barnsley, where we now live. We will have to come and see it. A home from home.
Gina you're right Graham Ibbeson is from Barnsley and why wait to see the sculpture, you can buy a small replica by Graham on this site...It's easy!
Dave. - Glenwood, Newfoundland, Canada - e-mail :
Just a quick note.... Had an e-mail from the grandson of (the only ex Morecambrian residing on the rock, other than myself). Was informed that J. Smith recently passed away after a short illness. This was all the info sent out and unfortunately I was unable to contact him to swap stories or compare notes. Sorry to be the bearer of sad news but thot I wud pass this on in case you had not been informed.
CUL Dave.
Thanks Dave for letting us know. John has sent several comments to this web site before and I have spoken to him on the Morecambe Chat, he was a very nice gentleman. The pain of Death is something we all have to deal with. As lomg as we hold their memory close to our hearts, they will live for ever.
We have left Johns comments on the site untouched from respect.
Gary Tennant, - Lancaster, England. - e-mail :
I thought that it was very informative, intresting and useful.
Cheers Gary, you must buy me a pint one day!
Mick & Beck, - WarrnamBool, Australia - e-mail :
Hi there
having a blast. Drewy and Wakers are well.Tammy is well & getting me drunk when she can. off to Paris next week. God have I got some amazing stories to tell so far . Robbie, Drewy & I have had some great times. better go for now...... Dave
Hi Dave or is it Mick & Beck, so many personalities you must be a psycho and a half. I have corrected a few speeelllings on your email and replaced 'drunk' with 'drunk', if you know what I mean, but still what ever your drinking can I have the same please!!
Hazel - again, - Western Australia. e-mail :
Hello ..yes that is a great idea to get all us ex-pats on line at the same time ..but the point is we also
want to talk to some of friends from 'back home!' Have also been corresponding with Elizabeth Jolley, through a mistaken identity ... regarding the 'I Love you bug ...yes I was extremely careful ...oooops ! Well I can't have been really ..I am guarded with Norton Antivirus but somehow it oozed in under an alias and also infected a few friends Emails. I am using Netscape now as a precaution. We are still awaiting rain 10 days on June 1st we shall be starting winter ..and yet we are still having temps of 23/25 celcius. I have gouldian finches rearing their young ....and some of my spring bulbs are beginning to sprout. We have to put our 'cold' bulbs in the fridge's vegetable box to kid them its winter, before planting. Well, nice to see you will contact Sandra Hello again Lynette .... and regards to you Peter ....Hazel!
Hi Hazel, Betty Jolley is lovely lady from California, she was the first person to buy an Eric Morecambe statue from us. She is also a great Max Wall fan. I think everyone should hit the Chat, the world is getting smaller by the minute. Cheers
Lynette Scott - Australia - e-mail :
Hello to everyone in Morecambe! & Hi to you too Hazel! Have had the same trouble with the chat site, so let's make a date. 20.00 hours WA time on Saturday! That's 13.00 hours UK time. Let's all be there to have a chat! You too Sandra, if it's not too late in Sydney! By the way, very good site to have a browse round, though nothings changed since I was there last, (Check-out the stories, oops I didn't say that!) only arrived down under 4 weeks ago!
Anyone wanting a penpal, then get in touch. E-mail of course, postage is too dama expensive!
Hello Lynette, a whole month in Australia, what made you move from Morecambe in the first place. I'm sure there are a lot of ex-pats that will/have made you very welcome. Let's hope everyone hits the chat on Saturday!
Sandra, - Sydney, Australia - e-mail :
Hi from sunny Australia. I emigrated here in 1988. Would love to hear from anyone who went to Our Lady's High School from 1972 to 1978. I have been back to Morecambe quite and few times and every time I go back I notice a huge improvement, especially on the Morecambe promenade. Keep up the good work. I suppose the only thing we can't change is the weather. Looking at this site it appears there are quite a few of us over here in Australia. Keep up the interesting articles. Oh and by the way I've still to find someone on the chat line but I'll keep trying, I know there's someone out there, somewhere.
Hi Sandra, The chat is a bit of a tester, we do have a lot of people hitting the chat but not necessarily at the same time. Hazel below is also having a hard time finding someone on the chat. Hazel suggests 1pm UK time Saturdays which I think is around 8pm your time (Thanks Lynette!). Perhaps you could e-mail her and arrange something between you, for that matter e-mail everyone and tell them to get talking!
Hazel, - Lancaster/Morecambe/Kirkby Lonsdale, Western Australia - Tambellup - e-mail :
Hi - I got struck down with the Love bug ....(Hate bug) so once more had to clear everything out would you believe, that through previous scribblings, I have found your site, yet again (and bookmarked it !) from an emigree....Lynette Scott and family have just arrived here safely and Lynette contacted me. I think this must be one of the nicest things regarding your site - as I have met many new friends - thro' just posting a note or two here' Well we must be enjoying one of the most beautiful autumns ..the temperatures are still in the 20 celcius bracket during the days and chilly enough at nights to want to snuggle up!!!! Unfortunately the farmers are screaming ..Rain! Rain ! Rain! so that they can get on with their seeding ... So, how is Morecambe faring ..? Getting her usual visitors from Yorkshire and Scotland? The facelift programmes are continuing?? Maybe I won't recognise Morecambe next time I come - still haven't found anyone on the chat line - Saturdays!
Hazel, you're the first person I know who's actually been taken out by the 'Love Bug'. You should install some kind of virus checker, it should keep you healthy.... You probably won't recognise Morecambe the next time you visit, it's will be wearing a rain coat, sunglasses and a false beard!.... Tell your farmer friends, I'll send them some of our rain, we've got plenty to go round!... The usual visitors from Yorkshire and Scotland are here Stan Bartat and Stuart McDonald are both passed out in the corner of The Kings Arms!... Sandra above is also wanting to talk to someone on the Chat, get in touch with her.... and finally, Thank you for letting us know that have met new friends on this site, it makes our job worth while, cheers.
Silke, - Hameln, Germany
Been 2 Morecambe 3 Years ago, to the Holiday in the Sun Concert at the Hall. Had a good time there and all the People have been so friendly, they helped us alot to find places. We're coming again this Year!!!!!
Hello Silke, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay last time and if it's 3 years ago when you was last here, you will have a wonderful surprise. The Promenade has had an amazing face lift which makes it a lot more pleasurable to walk along. When you come this time bring loads of friends with you. Enjoy your stay.
Stuart Jack, - Aviemore, Scotland e-mail :
Brilliant web site, well impressed.
Hey I'm from Morecambe and I would love to move back but I need a job, so if anyone is looking for a keen web designer the gizz a shout......cheers.
Hello Stuart, Glad you like the site. This web site is run for the love of Morecambe and all web design in maintaining the pages is produced for Free. So if we gave you pages to produce it would have to be for the love of Morecambe (Free). Unfortunately this doesn't help you in moving back here. If there are any other Web design companies reading this give Stuart a shout.
Harry and Anne Laffan (nee Thistlethwaite), - Brisbane, Australia. e-mail :
We think the site is great and it's good to visit our place of origin again. Keep up the great work and the pictures. We were both raised in Morecambe and left in 1961. We attended West End Primary school and Euston Road Secondary Modern school, over the period from approx. 1945 to 1956. We have been back to Morecambe a couple of times over the years and caught up with a few people that we knew. It's hard though to see everyone on holiday visits. We'd love to hear from anyone who still remembers us.
Hi Both, the problem with holiday visits is there's never enough time and you always have to return home. I think you should move back to Morecambe. Let's face it what does Australia have to offer... sunshine, clear sea, golden sandy beaches, cool beer and wonderful people. Well we've got cool beer!.. Hmm. I'm just packing my bags, I'm coming to you!!!
Jack Cawthra, - Warneet, Australia e-mail :
Hi There
Many happy memories of Morecambe, first visits per Craigs Home and Cinderella Home, when I visit England, always make a point to go to the above locations the (latter is closed down) and Happy Mount Park, Being of 70yrs young I may still have one more visit left. Cheers.
Hi Jack (I hope you don't greet people on a plane!) As you know Morecambe has always been a good place to prop pensioners up in a bus shelter with a bingo ticket in their hands, but, none of that for you. It sounds like on your next visit you should go to a loud night club with a blonde bombshell on either arm, a gold medallion round your neck, a long cigar in hand, drinking champagne all night... well you did say one more visit!!
PS if you have a current Mrs Cawthra, we'll find some toy boys for her!!.. if not God Bless
Beth Carroll, - Sierra Vista, Arizona USA e-mail :
Hey. well I think that it is pretty cool. seems like a pretty place. I've always lived in the states...maybe I will go there someday...
Hey yourself, 'cool' it blinking freezing! In my book 'Maybe' usually means never. £50 says you will never visit Morecambe...but you really should, look it's a good bet, come and take the money off me, I'll even throw in an ice cream and a ride on a Donkey.
Okay, after reading what everyone put in the visitor book I'd just like to say that I have never been to England..the only reason I know it exists is cuz my friend lives there...looks like i'm the first one to visit who has never stepped foot in England..or Canada for that matter. I live in Arizona!
beth again!
Hi again, You have got to travel, it will change your outlook on life and make you a better person, Didn't you learn about England at school or on films, we have a Queen you know! I have heard that people from Arizona are easy to wind up and the only way they can truly get a perspective on life is to buy an Eric Morecambe statue. Beth, I'm only joking, thank you for leaving your comments on the site and If you do decide to visit I really will give you my part of the bet, have a great life.
David, London, England
I used to go out with girl called Michelle Shermer and would love somebody to let me know her where abouts. As I have lots of good times to talk over and to let her know that my wife forgave her. We are so happy now, so she and her son can stay with us any time she likes in our place in Monte Carlo
David, you are dicing with death. Don't kid yourself that you just want to catch up with old times, you want more!. It sounds to me that your wife would not be happy with a visit from Michelle (forgiven or not!). I'm saying this for your own good and you know I'm right!. and If you want something to hold and take to your place in Monte Carlo I suggest an Eric Morecambe statue (now how did I get that in?)
A message to all our readers, we could do with some help on the Search Page to find old friends and relatives and even if you find Michelle for David let us know (It's Davids decision whether or not he wants to wreck his life!) PS David, you didn't leave an e-mail so we can forward any findings.
Paul, London, England
I think it's great.
Gee Paul, thanks for your comments, I think it's great too! It sounds ot me like you need stimulation, stimulation of a bronze variety, perhaps a statue or something....need I say more!
Karen Wendy Williams, - Regina Saskatchewan , CANADA e-mail :
Brought back some memories and good luck with the site
Thanks Karen, I had a dodgy Chinese last night and that brought loads of things back!
Peter Hornby, - Montpellier, France - e-mail :
The site is very good ! (R,h,h,h eally!)
Having grown up in Morecambe, I find the site contents useful and nostalgic. The visitors book shows that I am not alone in wondering what became of people I knew when I lived in Morecambe. Many of the contributors attended Morecambe Grammar School.
I recently came across a new site which is trying to build up a database of Morecambe Grammar School Alumini.
The address is
Although I have no contact, it is possible that the "Old Grammarians" could also assist. Please include my email so that any former school friends (MGS 1961 to 1968)can contact me.
Hello Peter, Let's hope some of the old school get in touch, By the way now you live in France shouldn't you write with an outrageous French accent? You know, like Charles HasNoVoice!!
Stephen Mellor, - Inverness, Scotland - e-mail :
Absolutely Brilliant we are coming on holiday to Heysham next week, which is why we visited your site, now we are really looking forward to our visit.
Eh your a canny lad! well if you take the high road and then take the low road and you'll be in Heysham before me. Scotts do have a reputation for enjoying a good song and a drink of three and I do hope you're one of them. I hope you have a great visit.
Hazel Egan, - Morecambe/Lancaster/Tambellup (Oz) Australia (Western) e-mail :
Hi .... Lost you for a while, having had to clear my pc and start again but tonight ...I found you again! Really do enjoy visiting ..nearly as good as being there. Regarding the 'Chat' would really love to join in and wondered if there was anyone able to 'host' it at say 3pm Saturday afternoons ..that would mean 10pm ..down-under ...well 11pm during the March-October period an 8 hour difference it seems you have plenty of ex-Pat from around the world, it would cover quite a few time zones. Just a thought ...A very happy Easter' one and all ....Hazel
Hazel, Glad you found us again. I think there has been a mysterious virus attacking everyone capable of going to 'Morecambe Chat' It starts by making you forget things and then your fingers seize up, shortly followed by a massive attack of guilt, then bursts of insanity and then your eyes fall out... and your private parts drop off. I strongly recommend a good cure is to visit 'Morecambe Chat' and meet new friends, then if anything has dropped off, there will be someone to stitch them back on again. Am I going mad? ... what's my name?.... arh I can't see!......does anyone have a needle and thread!!!
Viet-Cong Sue, - Rotterdam, Holland, e-mail :
ok so you forgotten me!
my comp is now fully better so i can visit regularly.
Site is still good hopefully be there in person this year, but reading the site makes me feel at home so i am always here in spirit
Hey came to the chat sat for a visit, even bought 5 friends no 1 on so we created our own room while waiting anyway will try again this sat
Keep up the good work ; 0) *smiling*
Sue... Forgotten, Never.
Sorry we wasn't there on Saturday, Sometimes Caroline will sit there for an hour waiting for someone to log on in vein and it get's a little frustrating and other times there could be several people all at the same time, We just need all the people, all the time!! Last Saturday we went to a Bar-B-Que so that's why she missed you.
Dave Shaw - Glenwood, Nfld Canada - e-mail :
Hello agn, Have set up at the local library and will be able to check in once or twice a week. Still some vri interesting reads on the site and glad to see that there are more people cking in. The pictures are interesting and bring back some memories but.... Oh how things have changed!!!
Just a quick note that may be of interest to the caller who was looking for info on the Morecambe Bay Walk. The Cdn edition of Reader's Digest, January 1998 had an article "Trapped Between Quicksand and Tide" abt Terry Howlett and his ordeal and rescue. Growing up in Morecambe I can remember being told stories of people getting stuck or drowned out on the sands. I'm not sure how much was true or "Urban Legend" but it sure was scary for a kid growing up and enough to keep us on safe sand, not too far from home. TTFN. Dave
That's it for now. We gone.
Hi Dave thanks for the info. The sands around Morecambe are very dangerous and we do not recommend anyone crossing them without a guide (details are on this site). The tide comes in so fast, you could easily get into trouble.
Jo-Ann Cubbin <Mayor> Seattle, USA - e-mail :
Greetings to dad <Mike Mayor...aka Spider <smile> introduced us to this web page whilst visiting during Christmas. Just wanted to let you all, know it's a lovely site, makes me want to book a flight, and see it <again> in person.....I did visit Morecambe...many, many moons ago, would like to revisit now that I'm not in diapers....<smile> Cheerios
'Hey Jo what you doing with that gun in your hand now? I said hey Jo... Now stop that, I've told you once! OK I can't help it I just like Jimmy Hendrix! Well if it happens again I shall spank you very hard! Hmm 'Hey Jo.. Cheeky! <smile>
Sorry Jo I got sidetracked for a minute, did your dad bring you a statue? No! you can buy them on this site and it's a lot cheeper than flying over here! <laughing>
Paula McGrath, - Fogo Island, Canada - e-mail :
It was very interesting.
Yes... I'm sure 'It' was, yet this is one of the words the 'Knights of Nee' can not here or they will say 'Nee' to you, anyway go and fetch me a shrubbery so I can create a two level effect with a path running down the middle!
Brian Wilson - Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter, We get Coronation Street on The TV here (Toronto) from 9.00am to 11.00am every Sunday. It is broadcast about 6 weeks after it has been shown in the UK. It was great to see the statue of Eric on an episode acouple of weeks back and the beautiful view across the bay.
When I worked in the Publicity Dept at the Town Hall back in the late 1960's we would send Baxters Shrimp to the TV station every time Morecambe was mentioned on Coronation Street.
Talking of the Town Hall I have to tell you this story...... As I mentioned I worked in The Publicity dept... One of my jobs was to keep a total of the requests for Holiday guides.... This one year the requests were well down from the previous year.... so the Publicity manager at the time asked me to fudge the numbers....The result was that when he ( The Publicity manager) next went into council he was able to show an increase in the number of request for holiday guides. This obviously reflected well on him.....As a result the council ordered an extra 10,000 holiday guides.....WELL! of course the following year we were down again on requests for Holiday guides and we had a surplus of thousands of Holiday guides......To cut a long story this time Morecambe soccer team was in the first round of the FA cup and we made a Trip in the Publicity van to York where Morecambe were playing.....On the way back we lost several thousand Holiday guides in the River Lune......Acting under orders of course......But don't tell!
Hi Brian, don't worry, your secret's safe with me, I won't tell a soul!!!
Brian, you haven't bought a statue of Eric yet!... go on, you know you want to!
Anonymous - Morecambe England - e-mail :
It' good to get Morecambe the publicity & recognition the wonderful place deserves.
Right on Anonymous may I call you An? Also 'It's good to touch the green, green grass of home, and they all come to greet me.... Shut that noise! Sorry, yes I'll be quiet....Hmmm mm mmm mm mmm and stop humming! Sorry......
David Steele. - Pickering. Canada - e-mail :
The web site is a excellent way to keep in contact with family and friends.
Just for general information 'Your Right' we have managed to reunite several families that has lost touch with one another and believe me it is very satisfying to us to think we have helped. but please if anyone out there can help the people on the Search Pages we would be very grateful.
Gavin Culloty, - Birmingham, England - e-mail : (please leave your e-mail again obviously this is not right!)
I've, never been to morecambe but I think it's a great seaside town I think that the monument that attracts millions of people to come to this great place is the Eric Morecambe Statue!
You are of course right Gavin and did you know....wait for it.... You can buy an original statuette on this site, you didn't, well I never. You should buy one, they change the atmosphere of a room!
Ramón Bermúdez, - Managua, Nicaragua - e-mail :
I was a student of an M.A. Program at Lancaster University in 1996-97 and I used to go to Morecambe for a walk on the Promenade. This is really a nice place to visit and relax. I remember that I used to have a bitter in one of the pub on the shore. The view of the bay is really amazing. I have good memories from that city. I hope to be in touch with the person who made this page. Cheers mate!
Ou! Ou! Ou! Ou! Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Nicaragua...this is exciting, we've never had anyone from Nicaragua before on the site Ou! and you like the site as well...Ou! Great, Fantastic, Oooooooh, My goodness I nearly broke into a smile, I must contain myself!
Gill McMillan, - Ashford, Middlesex England- e-mail :
I think the website is extremely attractive to look at and very informative. However, I am looking for a telephone number and/or address so that I can have a tourist information brochure sent to me, so that I can browse through at home, looking at accommodation, facilities etc. This seems to be missing from your site.
Hi Gill everything's there if look hard enough, but Tourist Information is on 01524 582816 and they will be more than happy to send you a Free brochure. Don't forget to tell them that you like the web site.
Tourist Information, The Old Station Buildings, Marine Road Central, Morecambe LA4 4DB
e-mail -
Michelle Bielen, - Woodland Hills, California, e-mail :
I am a real fan of poetry, and I was reading the poems listed on this web page. There were poems written by Elizabeth Jolley that I particularly loved. Is she a professional poet? Is there a book you could recommend with more of her poems? I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Thank you.
Michelle, You've just made Bettys day, Betty has submitted a couple of poems and a joke to the site, she's not a professional but she enjoys writing. If you are a poet as well as a fan why don't you send in some poems for the site?
Phyllis Needhaam (Shaw) - London, Ontario, Canada - e-mail :
Hi Peter - I'm not sure if my last message got through so here goes again - I haven't checked in lately and I'm glad to see that the site is getting better all the time. I haven't heard from any old friends yet but keep hoping that one of them will see my name and get in touch. Of course, it has been rather a long time since I left Morecambe - November 1948 - that's dating me isn't it? I have made a couple of contacts through the site and it is true that we are becoming a "Global Village". Will keep in touch. Also, I have a new e-mail address again (just in case anyone wants to get in touch. Would love to hear from anyone, even if they don't know me.
Hello Phyllis, nice to hear from you again, I'm glad you've made some new friends through the site, hopefully someone from your past we see your details too. ...and what do you mean 'that's dating me isn't it' in my books once you've hit twenty one you're an adult (now 18 I know but their still babies!) so for me Phillis you're 21 so happy birthday! My God a birthday you should treat yourself to an Eric Morecambe Statue!
Carolyn Hodkinson, - Hereford, e-mail :
In 3 weeks time my husband and I will become residents of Morecambe we are looking forward to it very much we will be living in Bare so will be very interested in what you are going to do with Happy Mount park please make it as pretty as it used to be.
Best wishes Carolyn Hodkinson
Hello Carolyn, You're not supposed to move to Morecambe you're just supposed to visit this web site and make day trips to Morecambe! Do you realise you've just reduced the tourist information figures of day trippers by two? Ok, Ok,Ok I won't complain about you moving to Morecambe anymore, providing you still visit this web site on a regular basis, you might be able to help the people on the Search Pages.
Now it's your turn to complain, when you've been a resident for a few days or so, write a letter to the Council and give then your thoughts about Happy Mount Park and see if you can make a difference.... Good luck on your move.
DON, DON, DON... hmmm... CAPITAL LETTERS!...hmmm.. Should I?... HMMM!...I'm sorry Don, you're probably not a regular reader but, I DON'T LIKE CAPITAL LETTERS... Oops, I mean; I don't like capital letters! If you write in big and lickle letters, it's a lot easier to read, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT!... and with a name like 'Old Crazy Legs Carter' you must be very loud! Oh and the site is not 'Very Interesting' It's the very poor and needs more input...from you and bring a friend. It needs to be the best web site ever, today Morecambe, tomorrow the world!. I know your thinking 'what side of bed did he get out of this morning' Well I don't care, just keep the noise down OK!
Elizabeth Jolley, - Venice, California, USA - e-mail :
I really like the site. It has so much on it of interest. I like the place where you can search for missing friends and family. The stories are nice. In fact everything is nice. Better that Bradfords site. I was born in Bradford but spent fifteen months in Morecambe in 1946-1947. My mother went back to live there the last four years of her life, dying there in 1981. I always like to come back to Morecambe when I visit England. We always called Morecambe, Bradford -by- the sea. I have your site in my favorite places. It makes me feel like I'm back home. Even after living in California for 39 years I still get home-sick for England. I think if I ever came back to live I would live in Morecambe
Peter which part do I sign in to so I can put a message from missing friends. Each time I look at the site I like it even better. I will try and get onto the chat room. I think 7.OOpm your rime is 11:00 for me. I have not any idea how the chat language goes. is it all in some sort of shorthand. Oh well I will soon find out on Saturday
best wishes Betty
Hello Betty, Nice to hear from you. If you want to Search for old friends then e-mail to: search at and your details will be added to the list. We have had some success with families finding one another after thirty years, some people finding out about half brothers and sisters they never knew they had. It's very heartwarming to us at to think we, with readers help, have helped to find the missing links.
Don't worry about the 'chat language' on this site 'English' is good enough! I know there are people that use 'shot hand' etc. but you will find that most people hitting this site just want to remember the good times and meet new friends ...and in long hand!
...We need more people to hit the chat, If anyone is not happy with our suggested times then e-mail us and suggest your own, It will only work if everyone gets involved, so PLEASE help us to help you.
Lorna Forbes (Mayor), - Avonmore, Ontario, Canada - e-mail :
This is totally awesome all my life I have heard of Morecambe, my dads family is from there. Now finally I get to see what it is actually like . thank-you. Hopefully I will get there soon.
"Awesome" Yeh, wicked, great, groovy, super, terrific, fab! Lorna thank's for your joke although I would have thought someone who is 'Mayor' of a town would be able to tell a funny one!...Well anyway you've got my vote!
Brian Wilson, - Ontario,Toronto, Canada - e-mail :
OK!!! where are all you friends from my school days....David Alderson, Phillip Crocket, Peter Brown, Patricia "Nancy" Barker, Christine "Connie" Riley, Allan Ainsworth, Edward "Teddy" Hammond, Roland Parker, Lynn Caston, John Caston
..I know you are out there somewhere.....Give me a call....e.mail:
Brian Wilson
COME ON PEOPLE Brian wants to catch up with you, so get in touch, There must be a least one of you out there that knows how to work a computer and send emails, If you were in the same class as Brian you can't be stupid so give him a call. PLUS if anyone reading this knows any of the above, tell them!
I find it's about this time when I should remind you to BUY AN ERIC MORECAMBE STATUE!
Andy Coombs, - Farnham, Surrey, e-mail:
I was a pupil at Morecambe High School from September 1981 to July 1986 and stumbled across this site whilst browsing one night. I would like to say a big "hello" to any ex-classmates who may be out there who were in Class F over this period. I can't remember the form tutors name, apart from his first name Cliff and his beard. As we all approach 30, it would be great to hear from anyone who either remembers me or was in my form.
I now live down in Surrey and really miss Morecambe Bay and everything else up there, particularly the Empire night club on a Saturday night.
This is a great site, keep up the good work!!!
Andy Coombs
Andy, you were part of an eye? sounds painful to me! Class 'F' ooh, unlike our friend Brian this sounds like the 'Thicky Class' to me... I'm sorry but the people from your class won't be capable combing their hair without supervision never mind turn on a computer. Still you never know, they may be Married to someone who took pity on them and help them with the internet. there is a chance, but I wouldn't hold your breath!!.........Ahh now I have your attention BUY AN ERIC MORECAMBE STATUE!
You do know I'm joking, don't you Andy!
Glynn Moore, Port Kennedy, Western Australia - e-mail :
I grew outside of Morecambe in the village of middleton, my family ran nougat shop and souvenir shop in Heysham village. your website is very refreshing to my history..i would love to catch up with old friends from the area do you know were i can start..i am 34 and went to heysham high school. I even married in St Peters Church and have just showed my 8 year old son the picture. very heart warming.
Hello Glynn, Can you imagine that smell from around St Peters Church? Can you imagine the cool breeze brushing over your face... Sounds to me Glynn that you are feeling home sick ! Can you imagine an Eric Morecambe statue sitting on your mantle piece? OK. OK I know I seem to be pushing the statues, but they do add a certain atmosphere to a room...Imagine!
Janice D'Ambra (nee Chapman), - Australia - e-mail :
I was born in Morecambe, moved to London, and then to Australia. I am trying to find a family that was very important to me in my younger life. The family name is NEWELL. The father, Aubrey, worked in a quarry in the Carnforth area. Mother was named Betty. One son Aubrey (married - worked in prison service) and a daughter Elaine. Daughter was very involved with German shepherd dog club. Is there any way that I can search for this family via an internet page on your web site?? Do you have a site for 'lost family / friends' ??
Having said that - I am amazed at the photos on your web site! I have a photo of myself seated on a pony on the beach outside the Midland Hotel, which must have been taken some 45 years ago....I can hardly believe the MIdland still exists almost unchanged - unless of course, *your* photos are also around 45 years of age ??? !!!
I look forward to seeing more photos on your site - good luck
Hello Janice, I would normaly put your e-mail on the Search Page but I thought I would try the visitors book. A lot of people want to catch up with their old friends and family. I would like more people to help to find old friends for visitors and the Search Page but that would mean getting of their comfortable chairs and making an effort and we wouldn't want that would we....YES WE WOULD so you, yes YOU reading this, get off you backside and do something, Janice has asked for help...I'm waiting... dum da dum dum dum...hmm..hmm COME ONE... MOVE IT or LOSE IT!
Hazel Egan, - ex Lancaster/Morecambe, Australia - e-mail :
Just came in to wish all your visitors a wonderful year the site and must remember to log on to the chat one Saturday night ...but there's an 8 hour discrepancy over here so reckon I'd either have to get up at an unearthly hour or take some .....'keep awake' ...tablets to hear from any or new friends ...
Yes Do, log on that is. so you'll have to get up in the middle of the night but who cares, well perhaps we do. If you would like to suggest an alternative time, then e-mail me and I will post the suggested time on the chat page and see if anyone logs on!
Louis Lloyd-Judson, - LANCASTER, England e-mail :
Ahh, it's a lovely site! It's just a shame Morecambe's not the most popular holiday resort. Who are you trying to kid with the tropical picture at the top?!?! If you went swimming in Morecambe Bay, you wouldn't come out again! (Not it a human form, anyway.) Please! I want to use the "Yakity-Yak" live chat! It's no fun talking to yourself! You need a huge advertising campaign!
Louis, Louis, Louis...You're right of course I go swimming in Bay quite regularly and to be fair the side effects aren't as bad as you suggest. The Doctor tells me there is a chance that my leg could grow back at any time in the same fashion that my third arm appeared!
Yes we do need an advertising campaign to launch the chat and site properly, but there is one slight problem. we run this site for FREE any money received from advertisers goes towards hosting the site. and we pay for any short comings (aren't we good). But and this is a big BUT...We love working on this site, we have contact with people from all over the world and it's a great feeling to think they like what we do. Who needs money?.... well... Yes we do, but you can't have everything!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto , Canada, e-mail :
Hey Peter! have you been on holiday or been on the "Booze".....I don't see many / any changes in your web site.......
Tim Hanstein, - Gäufelden, Germany - e-mail :
haaaah!! Tim is here again!!!
Nice site, once again, BUT when has it been updated the last time???? Häääh??!
What has happened with my last comment????
I try to send more German visitors to this website.
Greetings to Viet_Cong_Sue and class 11 at Morecambe High School (does class 11 exist at High School???)
Yeh ,Yeh, Tim I've just told Brian above, anyway what last comment, You must have dreamed it. I always put everyones comments on the site unless they are too rude or offensive. and it's class 13, unlucky but nice try. and pass me that bottle!
Louis Lloyd-Judson, Lancaster, England e-mail :
You actually make Morecambe look exciting! That is almost unbelievable! Well done! I still think Lancaster's better for shopping!
Louis, I see you've been Hyphenated, I bet it hurts! and you compliment the site as well. We couldn't ask for more than that. Oh yes, hmm.. it is worth a day our to Lancaster to visit the shops
Andrey Krasnikov, - Moscow, Russia - e-mail :
I visited Morecambe twice - in 1992 and 1993. I like your town and area and hope to come here once more this year. Your site is very interesting. Visiting your site is like coming to your nice town again. All the best for you and all Morecambe people.
Andrey Krasnikov from Moscow,Ph.D(history).
Andrey, our first visitor from Russia, what can I say but welcome. and you've visited Morecambe twice (I heard you the first time!) You sound so nice too, are you sure you've not got a Tank in your back garden with the engine running. Remember we're surrounded by water, it will sink!.
I do hope you can visit us again soon. and... I too have a Ph.D (speech impediment)
John Smith, - Newfoundland, Canada - e-mail : (passed away mid 2000)
I lived in Morecambe until 1945 when my family emigrated to Canada and I can still remember the view across the Bay. This is my 1st visit to the Morecambe web site and My or My what a wonderful web site!! I think the Eric Morecambe page is "very good" and I just love the Morecambe Bay poem you have put with the statue, are they going to cast the poem in bronze and put it with the statue on the prom? if they are is there someone I can send a cash gift to help with that? Well keep up the good work with this brilliant site I'm sure there are many who will check it out like myself, God bless, from John Smith
Glad you like the site John. I will pass your comments about the poem to the Lancaster Council it is a good idea (you're not related to the poet are you!!!) although if it is going to happen the council should pay for it but thanks for the offer. You should use your money for something more useful... like a statue of Eric Morecambe, what a great idea, you know where to look, in fact everyone should buy one!
...and God Bless and Keep you John.
Claire Metrough - e-mail :
Should local authorities give more money to revive Morecambes tourist attractions?
Yes, Yes, and ...Yes but you know what Councils are like, it takes them two years to decide who's buying the next round, never mind something important. However some of the attractions you're talking about just didn't attract enough visitors to make money and at the end of the day.. it's dark, ... no, MONEY is what tourism is all about.
Viet Cong Sue, - Rottingdamn, CHEESE LAND
Hello I have not been able (for 2 weeks nion) to get through to you but don't worry now i can!!
The old Viet is back and on good form, See yers all on the chat The site is still cool dude!toodle pip
It's alright I've been busy too.
Sue we was there, where were you. Chat next Saturday (UK time )... and bring a friend!
William Osagiede, - Zejtun, MALTA - e-mail :
Quite a good site, i find it very helpful. Keep it up
'What do you mean 'Quite Good' you know Bill it's a good job I'm thick!, sorry, thick skinned or I could take offense, ah.. 'Very Helpful' that's better, .. 'Keep it up' my sex life has got nothing to do with you!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto Canada - email:
Hi, Id like to contact friends that I grew up with in Morecambe. I was born in Lancaster in 1947 and lived in Bare, Victor Ave and then Beach Street until 1968 when I moved to London, UK and joined the Met Police. I emigrated to Canada in 1972. I went to Lancaster Road School from 1951 to 1958 then The Friends School Lancaster. From 1964 to 1967 I worked at the Morecambe Publicity Dept at the Town Hall on the prom'. I am interested in hearing from anyone that may remember me.
Oh yes....I love the web site and to those folk that live in Morecambe and sometimes "knock it" You don't know how lucky you are to live in an area of such natural beauty.
Brian, I thought you was the type of guy that sat on the fence! and isn't Toronto Beautiful?
I think I should set aside a section of the site just for you! I wish there were more like you!
Brian Wilson, - Toronto , Canada - e-mail :
I emigrated from Morecambe to Canada in 1972, I return for visits as often as possible. I was excited to find your web site, it narrows the gap between Toronto and Morecambe. There's not a day goes by I don't think about walking on the prom' and the beautiful view across the bay
I Love It!!!!!!
Hi Brian, you sad person (only joking Brian, regular readers of the visitors book know I'm completely out of my tree!
PS thanks for the Poem and Search question. (the poem's up, the search will be up at the weekend)
Craig Laycock, - Morecambe UK, e-mail :
The site's great, but you already know that!
So what do the public think of watt's life and beyond: earth? You can find them in the stories section.
Hi Craig, I don't now what the public think, they never tell me anything. Perhaps they e-mail the Authors direct. Personally I think that anyone who takes the time to write a story, poem or anything deserves a pat on the back. To actually create something from nothing, good or bad is great.
Viet Cong Sue, - Neddyland - e-mail :
Brill,brill and brill
Need I say I love to visit the site and the chat line Is picking up some what
Everybody listen to VC get chatting and thank Peter and everyone else involved with the Morecambe site, that there is a chat line up and running, Use It buggers!!!!!
See you all on the chat this Saturday 8-1-00 be there or be from Blackpool!!!
VC Sueeeeeeeeeee!!!
Hi to Tim
See thee later
Sue, are you alright ? you've not been on the bottle again have you? I'll alow the swear word because I want people to visit the chat line, to meet new friends and catch up with some old ones. any way keep taking the tablets, see you soon. ... and thanks for the Poem, you've obviously got a big heart.
Mike (Spider) Mayor, - Ottawa, Canada - e-mail :
Dear Friends; I don't have to say what a great site this is. I visit it once a month at least. I just want to say a merry xmas and a happy new year (millennium) to all my friends and relatives in Morecambe. This year I am visiting my daughters family in Seattle, USA for Xmas, which reminds me of Morecambe as the weather here is so much the same. It evens smells a little bit like Morecambe as it is besides the sea. (I know you'll comment on that).
I have got some photo's of Morecambe that as soon as I get them scanned I will send them to you. I went on the chat line one evening but nobody else signed on. I can't get on Saturday night as I use the computer at work. So if anyone else gets on during the day. Please let me know and I will get on.
My son is in the Canadian Army in Kosovo and in April will be going to Morecambe to visit his roots. I hope you will all give him a good time and show him the sights.
Hi Spider fancy having a nickname like that when your on the web! I'm sorry to hear that Seattle smells like Candy floss, rotting fish and doggie doos, but still I hope had a great time!
I do wish more people would try and log on the Morecambe Chat because when there is a handful of people online it can be good fun (come on everyone, get talking) If you want to suggest additional times for the chat, let us know.
Your son will have a fantastic time and I'm sure some of the local girls will show him a good time... unless of course he's go a woman already !... oops! I know being in the army is dangerous, frustrating and educational experience that the majority of us are fortunate not to see, so I wish your son all the best.
Col Maguire, - Werribee, Australia, - e-mail :
Hi -- been recommended to your site by Sue from Rotterdam, -- I used to have a caravan on the Regent park in the late sixties and spent most of my time on the then infamous 'Barbary Coast' better known as queens street and possibly 'cleaned up' a little by now. great to see some of the sites and improvements to Morecambe!
I think you should put Sue on a commission - she's selling yer all over the world!-- Tried yer chat line but not been too lucky in finding anyone home -- will keep trying.
G'day Col, yer right there sport, Sue's a good ol' girl, you know, she gets involved. and as for the Chat, once again we just have to get everyone to convene at the same time, just tell us what's good for you and we'll put the time up and see if anyone joins in. I know Sue visits the chat regularly and she's always good for a laugh.
Any how, from one limey pom to an ex-con (you know from the convict ships, oh, I'm having to explain myself again!) I'm going to throw some Shrimps on the Barbie or maybe a shark or two. Sue tells me your 'Big Down Under' Hmm, what does she mean?!
You know I would love to visit Australia, I've heard the Skiing's great this time of year, sorry, that's Austria! but really if there was a 'Pacific Tunnel' and a very high speed train I would definitely want to visit Perth. I don't know where Werribbe is located in fact 'Whereitbe'. I must go before someone shoots me!
Jonas Thor, - Iceland, -e-mail :
Was in Morecambe in 1969-worked at the Bolton Hotel. Looking for old friends: Armitage perhaps someone could e-mail me with some news.
Hi Jon, I watched the Sweeney regularly! If you where working in 1969 that would make you late forties early fifties! and they say it's the younger end that's in to technology. I hope someone helps you with the Armitage family, I've been looking for Shanks for sometime, I'm Bursting! Good Luck
Janet Myatt, - Ramsbottom, Lancashire, England
Merry Christmas to all at Morecambe Lodge Caravan Park from the Myatt family (H22)
The Morecambe web site is brilliant and has us counting the days until summer .Wish we were there.
Hello 'H22' this is 'B44', I was speaking to E16 at the weekend and they said that 'H21' was looking out of there window last summer and saw there neighbours having an 'L' of a time. You see I get a laugh without even mentioning 'Ramsbottom'! Happy Millennium.
OH, NOT AGAIN, MORE CAP'S. A A A A A A AAAAH...AAAaah Aah, that's better. Hello M&C I'm sure there are some players from Overton Nomads who remember you and would like to get in touch. Perhaps if you leave your e-mail address it would give them a chance (Morecambe 3 - Brisane 0) send it to me and I'll place it with your details above. Cheers.
Eddie Dowds, Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland - e-mail :
I'm in a position to help your visitors with their family history as I have the 1881 Census for the UK on CD's. So if you mention it in your "Missing Links" section, Oh! and it's free, it's not true what they say about us Scots.
Eddie, what can I say but 'thank you' Cathy was delighted with your findings. I hope you will continue with your help. It's great when people like yourself, give there time freely to help others, I wish there was a lot more people like you. All the best.
Viet-Cong Sue, - Rotterdam, Holland, e-mail :
Not been to look at the site really but took a look today. Still going good!!! I would like to wish ye all a merry Christmas and a brilliant new century all the best
ps Hello to everybody in Morecambe
Hello again Sue and thanks for your story, it's pretty good, although in this day and age it would have been nice for the story to be fiction rather than fact!
All we need is another 10 million visitors to the site like you and we've got it made. Happy Millennium.
Stu, - Perth, Australia - e-mail :
I'm amused by the picture above this message box. The one with the fins and the surf. Never seen anything like that in Morecambe. Good to see people taking some pride in the place. There seems to be a few sites about the old town, nice to see positive vibes about the old place. If any counsellors are reading - No more dodgy characters in Happy Mount Park.
Hi Stu, Fins are symbolic, symbolic against our struggle against oppression, struggle against our struggle against reality I here you say, or don't you watch Monty Python, Still woh eh! As for 'dodgy characters' I see a strange one in the mirror each morning!
I am hoping you will help me, I have been challenged! Please, if you can, tell me what the acronym WYBMADIITY stands for. I tried searching the web and your website was the only one that came up. Let me thank you in advance for your time.
Ah Lisa as you know I am fluent in 87 foreign languages, a walking encyclopaedia on life and an Oracle on acronyms but I vowed to the Willnoleaky tribe of Nevercando to keep it a secret, however on this occasion I feel it important to break my vow. The acronym WYBMADIITY stands for: "Warm, Yellow Birds May Adversely Do It Itermitantly To You". Well there you have it, I just hope the Willnoleaky tribe will forgive me!
Tim Hanstein, - Gäufelden, GERMANY, e-mail :
I like Morecambe because I was there half a year ago on a pupil-exchange.
Hi yourself. I tried a pupil-exchange a few years ago and I've had to wear glasses ever since! and congratulations Tim I think you are our first visitor from Germany, next time bring a friend!
Click HERE if you would like to see comments from the 1999 visitors book. There are some very interesting and wacky comments and it's well worth a look.